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~chapter -1~•

Rajgarh, a city where love was often painted in vibrant hues, was now shrouded in a veil of uncertainty. Underneath the façade of love and loyalty, a heart-wrenching tale was about to unfold.


he sun set over Rajgarh, casting a golden hue on the ancient temple where Meera whispered her prayers, her heart racing with hope and despair. Today was Mahashivratri, a festival that marked the rebirth of dreams, yet she felt trapped in the labyrinth of her life. She'd just learned she was the lost princess of Surajgarh, betrothed to a man she’d never met—Raghuwanshi’s grandson.

“Om Namah Shivaya,” she chanted, as if the sacred mantra could shield her from the storm brewing inside her heart. She approached the shivling, pouring the holy water, wishing fervently for the strength to endure the calamity that loomed ahead.

Meanwhile, Akaay Raghuwanshi, the dashing heir to Rajgarh’s throne, stood lost in thought, separated from his family as he absorbed the weight of impending responsibilities. A sudden call ripped through his reverie, commanding his attention. He stepped aside, unaware that destiny was weaving a fateful thread into his life.

A chance encounter awaited him on the temple stairs, where Meera, distracted by her own turmoil, collided with him.

“Miss, will you stop staring at me?” he quipped, a bemused smile dancing on his lips, awakening Meera from her stupor.

“Excuse me? I wasn’t staring!” she retorted, angry at herself for being captivated by his striking features. But her indignation faltered as she felt her dupatta snagged on his watch, a moment carved from the pages of a romantic novel. He freed it effortlessly, leaving her flustered and affronted, as he walked away. Oops. This wasn’t how she imagined her day going. With a knot forming in her stomach, she attempted to free her dupatta, which had snagged on his watch, leading to what felt like a scene straight out of a romantic movie—except that it wasn’t. He freed the fabric with a quick, dismissive flick and walked away, leaving her fuming.

With her heart racing, Meera hurried home,

That wasn’t the last of it. Later that night, as the clock struck eleven, her parents entered her room. Their solemn expressions set off alarm bells in Meera’s mind. “What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice laced with concern.

“Meera, we need to talk,” her mother said, her voice trembling.

“About what?” Meera’s impatience flared.

“Tomorrow, you are to marry the prince of Rajgarh,” her father stated flatly.

“What? I can’t! I’m still a student!” She felt the world tilt beneath her, disbelief written across her face.

They paused, exchanging pained glances before her father spoke again. “You are the lost princess of Surajgarh, Meera. Your destiny has been written long before you were born.”

The revelation hit her like a freight train. “No! This can’t be true!” she yelled, collapsing to her knees. “I am your daughter!”

“Of course you are, but there’s more...” Her father’s voice drifted off, leaving Meera in a whirlwind of confusion and despair the news shattered her she was not just any girl, but a princess with a legacy, forced into a marriage she never chose. Her parents sat them down, their expressions grave, and the truth spilled out—an entwined tale of friendship, betrayal, and destiny.

Hours later, as her life spiraled out of control, there came a knock at her door. It swung open to reveal

Sarthak Singh Raghuwanshi, the royal patriarch, stood at their door, a harbinger of the fate that awaited her.

“What do you want from me?” she asked, desperation clawing at her throat.

“The marriage is non-negotiable,” he replied, his voice like cold steel. “Refusal means death for your family.”

With her heart breaking, she whispered, “I’ll do it.”
The next day, dressed in a red lehenga, she could barely recognize herself in the mirror. The beautiful facade betrayed the turmoil within her. She walked toward the mandap, a hollow shell of the vibrant girl she once was. She felt the weight of a tradition she never chose—her hands trembled as she was draped in sacred threads. She was bound to a man without knowing him.

Minutes later, the priest announced them as a married couple. A hollow cheer erupted around them, but it echoed uselessly in her ears. She was a mere pawn in this game of fate.

As they left the temple, silence enveloped them like a heavy cloak. Within the confines of the car, Meera felt the fire of resentment rise. She buried her face in her hands, tears streaming down as she mourned her lost freedom. But then, a handkerchief was offered to her—a gesture of sympathy from Akshay. She took it, feeling a mix of anger and vulnerability collide.

When they reached the sprawling haveli, Meera’s heart sank even deeper. The looming walls felt suffocating, and the vastness of the place left her feeling isolated. “Chaliye,” he urged, but it felt more like a command than an invitation.

As the door to their room closed, Meera stood frozen, her heart racing in fear. Would he force her? Would she be trapped in a life she never chose? The tears continued to fall, pooling around her feet like the dreams she had let slip away.

She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. The world outside Rajgarh may have painted love in vibrant colors, but within these walls, darkness loomed, threatening to drown her spirit. Yet deep down, a flicker of defiance ignited. Love may not have blossomed yet, but she was determined, against all odds, to hold onto her identity, her choices, and her freedom.

In the heart of Rajgarh, as its people celebrated love, Meera was about to embark on a journey where the lines between love and hate blurred, where her story would unfold—a story running deeper than royal blood and ancient promises.

Little did they know, their journey would not just be about fulfilling a promise but navigating the intricate dance of love and hate, where each twist could lead to redemption or devastation. Would they rise together, or would they perish under the weight of expectations? Only time would tell

Upcoming scene/ prologue of next chapter:-

his eyes went dark ,jaw clenched he was feeling so angry at this time ,he was just thinking how can she think this low about him??

He immediately held her by her arms and said " look whatever it is I don't know! But remember never say these lines again!" He was calm yet scary she was shivering from his action his grip was very tight and unknowingly hurting her

" Ahh " she hissed in pain when it was unbearable for her when he realised that unknowingly he is hurting her he immediately left her and stormed out of room ,she again fall on the ground crying and cursing her fate she was just thinking how bubbly ,cute and chirpy girl she was and what she is now? Died alive? Just a body? No emotions were left inside her..

That's all

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Tata everyone🕺🏻
Your author from jupiterrrr💃🏻🤣

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Will give you next update soon!

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