Chapter 4 - Time was wasted

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(A/N: Only Grian, Pearl, Jimmy, Tango, Joel, Etho, and Martyn know what happened in double life.)

Bread Bridge has been destroyed by team TIES, no guilt.
"Bread bridge!" Grian yelled from up above.
"Wha-" Jimmy said, his eyes locked onto Tango.
"That's all of team TIES blowing it up!" Joel yelled....
"No- no no.." Jimmy thought, he was about to cry.
They rushed down to bread bridge, team TIES leaving with ender pearls. (They teleport to their base-)
"Why did this happen?" Grian asked.
"Probably because I killed a cow-" Joel said in response.
"Is that really it?!" Grian said.

"If anyone asks why we destroyed Bread Bridge, we have no idea." Skizz said.
"Alright-" Tango said..-
"HI GUYS!" Scar yelled, too loud for Etho.
"Hi Scar!" Impulse said-
"I've wanted to destroy Bread Bridge, thank you for doing for me." Scar said.
"No problem." Tango said
"See you guys later!" Scar said before running back to the clockers.
"Cya-" Skizz said, cut off.
"What we doing now?" Etho asked.
"Going back to the tower." Tango said, already walking.
They went back to the tower.

"Do you think that they'll get us?" Tango asked.
"Who's 'they?'" Skizz asked-
"Grian, Joel, and Jimmy." Tango responded.
"Oh." Skizz said.
"What-" Impulse said.
"Wow, you finally spoke." Tango said...

"Should we go get them?" Joel asked.
"We should get them!" Jimmy said.
"Maybe we should stay h-" Grian said, cut off.
"We should go up to skynet 2.0 and bomb them" Joel suggested.
"Yeah, let's do that." Jimmy said.
"But we don't know if they're on the original skynet!" Grian said.
They went up to skynet 2.0 and went over to the TIES tower to see if they were on the original skynet, they were, in their meeting place in the sky (Windsor is the code)

Team TIES was up there, they were in the meeting room in the sky.

They were about to bomb them until impulse looked up and alerted the others the bad boys were above them, they all left.

"Dang it, we almost had them." Joel said.
"We could always try again later." Grian said, trying to comfort them.
"At least we tried." Jimmy said.

"What do you think that was for?" Bdubs asked.
"Probably trying to get revenge." Impulse said.
"Yeah- revenge." Tango said.
"What if it wasn't for revenge?" Etho asked.
"Time." Skizz said.

Team BITES was walking over to the clockers base.
"We're bringing back Bdubs." Etho said.
Bdubs went over to Cleo and Scar.
"Goodbye." Bdubs said waving bye to them.
"Bye-" Etho said.
Then team TIES walked back to their tower.

The bad boys saw this, they decided to keep quiet.


"What was that? bodyguards for bdubs?" Joel asked.
"Probs" Jimmy said-
"Are you jealous?" Grian asked.
"What?! NO!" Jimmy said, yelling the 'no.'
"Are you sure??" Grian teased.
"I'm pretty sure." Jimmy said, blushing tiny bit from embarrassment. :)
"Alright-" Grian said.

They blew up TIES' bowtie. (IT WAS IN FRONT OF THEIR TOWER)
"Yay." Jimmy said.
"That was pathetic, it didn't do any damage, they can probably fix that." Joel said.
"Yeah-" Grian said.
"They're coming-" Jimmy said.
"GO GO GO-" Grian said.
They left.

"What the heck was that for" Impulse said
"Revenge." Tango said.
"Dang" Skizz said.

Maybe they should get more aggressive with their attacks-

"What-" Tango said.
"I'm sorry, okay!" Impulse said.
"Don't be so loud." Etho said...-
"Sorry." Impulse said.
"DANG-" Scar yelled, too loud.
"Be quiet!" Etho said.
"Sorry." Scar said.

"I wonder what's going on with those two teams." Cleo said.
"Oh, that? They've been having a rivalry since day one." Scar said.
"Yep, maybe they'll be nice to each other when we're done with this game." Bdubs said.
"Right, we're in a game." Cleo said-

"Why are we here-" Impulse asked.
"Because we can." Tango said.
They looked up at Etho who was talking to Scar.
"Look he's doing it." Tango said.
"Oh-" Impulse said-

"What the heck is he doing?" Joel asked.
"Don't know-" Grian said.
Grian and Joel were watching Jimmy trying to jump down off the roof but he hasn't come down it yet.
"OI! COME DOWN HERE!" Joel yelled.
Jimmy flinched, "I'm coming down!" He jumped down landing in front of Joel and Grian.
"What took ya so long?" Grian asked.
"I- uhm, was scared." Jimmy said.
"Alrig- is that Etho and Scar?" Grian asked...-
"WHAT" Joel said
"I'm sorry?" Grian said.
"Why are they here?" Joel asked
"How about we go over there, act like we're going to our villagers" Grian suggested
"Yeah let's do that-" Jimmy said
They went to their villagers, passing by the clockers tower, Team TIES saw them passing by.
Martyn decided to follow them since he needed more pearls.
"Hello-" Martyn said
"O- hello, Martyn." Grian said
"I need some pearls so i'm coming with you." Martyn said.
"Alright-" Grian said
Jimmy and Joel were talking to each other.
They made it to their villagers :D


Bad boys went back to the mansion while Martyn went back to the coral isles.

"We did that for nothing." Joel said
"No we didn't, we did it to get noticed for a little bit, that's all." Jimmy said
"They didn't even care." Joel said :P

They were watching the Bad boys :D
"What are they doing?" Tango asked, confused.
"Probably arguing, we should get going back to the tower." Impulse said.
"Right- let's go." Tango said, they went back to their tower :)

Onto Secret Life!! Secret life is the fifth season of the Life Series.
I know you missed about two seasons since you haven't read about 3rd life (First season), Last Life (Second season), you've read about Double Life (third season), Limited Life (fourth season), and now you will read about Secret Life (Fifth season)!

Word count: 867!!

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