Chapter 1

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Jennifer's POV

I was dreading my birthday which was two days away. Normally, my birthday is the best day of the year for me. But this year's own is different because my mate would be able to find me.

Once a female wolf turns 18, her scent becomes irresistible for her mate helping him to find her.
Sadly, my 18th birthday is just two days away.

Naturally I am meant to be happy that I will find my mate but I am not.I already knew who my mate was.

Jayden Rivers.
The alpha king.

I could never meet his standards, I am just a mere servant.
He has been searching for his mate for 4 years and he almost found me.


The Queen Sophia just called me and I was rushing to her room when I bumped into someone.
It was Dylan Green, the beta.

"Sorry, sir" I apologized. He smiled

"No problem just be careful and watch where you're going" he said.

I mumbled an 'okay'.

I hurried off and I was hoping the queen won't be in a bad mood. I knocked on her door.

"Enter" she replied. I opened the door gently and entered.

"Oh, there you are. Please clean my room, I'm afraid I left a mess when getting ready" she said.

"Yes your highness" she walked then stopped at the door.

"Oh and when you're done, help Mia choose a dress, her measurements are being taken but she's in her room". She said.

" Yes your highness" she left.

A loud thud was heard from the room down the corridor.

"Why is my mate's scent on you?" a loud voice thundered. I shivered at my mate's voice.

"I-I-I...don't unde-understand" Dylan stuttered.

"Jayden release your grip on him" Queen Sophia ordered.

An answering thud could be heard from Dylan landing on the floor.
"Now, Dylan why is his mate's scent on you?" The Queen asked in a calm tone.

"I don't know, I didn't meet anyone new and everyone I know, you know them too" he replied.

"Okay then, who was the last female you touched?" She asked.

"Uh..." he paused trying to remember. "Someone I bumped into"he said at last.

"Can you remember her face?" Jayden asked.

"No, I was in a hurry to meet you"
Jayden walked out angrily.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Please vote and comment.

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