Chapter 12

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Jayden's POV

How could she be flirting with him? I'm her mate! She's mine and only mine.

It's a good thing I locked her in the room. No more flirting. Was I too hard on her?
I shouldn't have locked her on her room.

"You should have. But not in that manner. You have to apologize" Lucas said.

"I will but after this stupid ball."

The ball had carried on as if that drama hadn't happened. There was dancing, laughter and drinking. I sat on a chair in a secluded area not wanting to see anyone.

But of course, when does the universe ever listen to me, huh?

Ashley walked up to me swaying her non-existent hips. I wonder if it feels sexy to her. It just makes her seem desperate and points out her lacking assets.

Ashley is fine when she tones down the makeup and tight dresses. The make-up on her face was like a disco ball, so shiny. I wonder why someone would want to look like that.

I can't believe I ever hung out with her.

"Hey handsome" She purred.

What is she? A tiger? Rooaaaarrr!!!

I chuckled.

"What's funny?" She asked.

"Never mind that"

She slid up to me and sat on my lap. She doesn't give up.

"I have a mate, Ashley, please get off me"

"Now why would I do that? When I can enjoy all this?" She eyed me hungrily.

"Ashley" I warned. "Don't make me push you off"

"You wouldn't dare"

I pushed her off into the space beside me and I stood up.

"Oh, I would"

I grabbed a drink from a server. When would this be over?

I walked up to the king.

"Enjoying the party your highness?" I inquired.

"Yes, although I'm not in support of why it's being held, but I have to keep up appearances."

"Well I guess you do. Please don't speak ill of my mate again, your highness"

I walked away.

Unknown POV


I entered into the small room. A man sat on the floor with his legs folded and his back towards me.


Where? I wanted to ask. There were no chairs. The room was filled with strange objects.

I just sat on the floor.

"Your daughter is not his mate." He said.

"Then who is" I asked.

He laughed. "And what would you do with that information?"

"Tell me" I demanded.

"You will get no where with that attitude of yours. She's a servant. That's all you need to know."

I was annoyed. I stood up angrily and was about to walk out. He stopped me in my tracks.

"Beware, don't try to interfere and change the course of fate. What's going to happen WILL happen. What you do will only delay it but not stop it."

I walked out. Who does he think he is, warning me?

Does he know who i am?

I chuckled as I thought of my plan.

***End of flashback***

Jayden's POV

This cursed ball is finally over. I plastered a smile on my face as I bid the guests goodbye and accepted their well wishes towards Jennifer and I.

I walked up to the room I locked her in. On approaching the room, I smelled a scent that I haven't in years. What is he doing here?

I unlocked the door.

"Jennifer?" I saw her on the floor bruised and her clothes torn.

"Jennifer!" I ran towards her cradling her in my arms. "Come on love answer me"

I tore the remaining fabric off her and licked her wounds. Watching them heal slowly. I carried her and put her on the bed. I mentally called for the pack's doctor.

She rushed in with a first-aid kit and took her vitals. She set up a drip and put a thermometer in her mouth taking her temperature.

When she had finished taking out all those medical objects and using it. She turned to me.

"She will be fine. She should wake up in some hours time. She just needs to rest and she shouldn't do any strenuous activities for a while"

"Thank you"
She left. I laid on the bed next to her.

***Hours later***

She stirred and opened her eyes.

"How do you feel?"

"I'm okay" she said weakly, trying to sit up. I gently pulled her back down.

"The doctor said to rest . Now tell me what happened."

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you"

A/N: Thanks for all the votes, reads and comments. Sorry for the short chapter. I tried to update as soon as I could, but laziness won't have it. So here we are.

Please vote and comment.

Till next time...

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