Chapter 11

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Jennifer's POV


She ignored me and dragged me inside.

The ball was in full swing. Ladies adorned in expensive and beautiful gowns and guys in suits of different colours mostly black, though.

"Wait here let me grab us a drink" Mia said before rushing off and giving me no time to respond.

I observed my surroundings looking for a familiar face. I spotted the Queen and King talking with some importantly dressed people. Not seeing anyone I wanted to talk to, I walked over to the window where I could see most people.

Out of boredom I decided to count how many ladies were wearing a particular colour.



"Guess how many people are wearing a blue gown"


"I guess five, let's see who's right."

I counted and she was right.

"Told ya"

"Fine. What about green?"


I was about to count when a tap on my shoulder interrupted me.

I turned to see a tall guy with blonde hair and blueish-green eyes in a black suit. He was attractive.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Hi. I'm Aaron." He said holding out a hand for me to shake.

I shook his hand while introducing myself. "Jennifer" I said.

"I couldn't help but notice you seemed bored."

I smiled. "Yeah, a little"

"Do you want to dance?"

"Oh, I'm not much of a dancer. I mean I can't waltz or dance any of those classy dances"

He chuckled. "I'm not any good either. I was secretly hoping you'd say no"

I laughed and was about to say something but I was interrupted by a growl. The music stopped and everyone turned to the direction the sound came from.

It was Jayden and he looked mad. He started making his way towards me and people were moving out of his path. I guess he was jealous.

I'm in trouble. I went behind Aaron to hide. This seemed to make him more angry.

"Jennifer, come out from behind him." He growled.

"No. I kinda like it here."

He moved to the left attempting to get to me. I dodged him. He moved to the right and I moved to the left still using Aaron as shield.

He growled frustratedly. "Jennifer" he warned.

Oops, I guess it's time to run. But I need a distraction.

"Yes, how may I help you?"

"By letting go of that guy right now"

"Why should I?"

"Because I said so"

"Stop being so immature"
He scoffed and stood one place still glaring at Aaron.

"I'm immature?"


"DON'T TOUCH HIM" he yelled.

"Fine, fine. I'll let go on one condition."


"How fast can you say 'My Irish six wristwatches'?" We were causing a scene now and I could hear some people chuckling.

"What?" He looked dumbfounded.

I removed my hand from Aaron and ran. It took him two seconds to start chasing me. I ran round the ballroom. He was catching up to me with his Alpha speed. Stupid heels. I ran behind Mia.

"Mia, move aside." He commanded and she did. Before I had time to react I was over his shoulder upside down.

"What the heck? Put me down" I said.

He ignored me and kept on walking.

He carried me all the way to a random room. I was dropped on the bed with a thud.
He stood, glaring furiously at me.

"What is wrong with you? Don't you know that blood was flowing to my head? I could've died!" I yelled at him.
His gaze softened, hearing that I could've died.

"Are you alright?"

"Oh! Now you care."

"What did you expect me to do? I saw you laughing with that guy and you were too close to him"

"So in other words, you were jealous?"

"No, I just don't like seeing you with other men."

"Isn't that jealousy?"

"No, it isn't"

"It is"

"It isn't"

"It is"

"It isn't. I have a party to attend, so I gotta go."

He walked briskly to the door. He opened it, went out and locked it. He had a key that can open and lock any door in the palace.

"HEY!!! OPEN THIS DOOR" I yelled.

The nerve of that guy. I scoffed. How dare he lock me inside.

"He did it cause we're his mate and he doesn't want anyone looking at us." Rose said happily.

That still doesn't make it any better. I'm hungry.

I surveyed the room, noticing that there was a small refrigerator in a corner. I opened it and I saw tomato slices in a plate, bread, soda and one pack of biscuits  I've never seen before. No Nutella?

How can I survive without my Nutella?

There has to be somewhere. I checked the bedside drawers and I found it. I grabbed the bread, soda and Nutella, then I sat down comfortably on the bed and I began eating.

I opened the Nutella and it was EMPTY.

"Who keeps empty containers of Nutella? Why not just throw it away. Come on people."

I was frustrated and this gown was not comfortable to sleep in. I walked to the other door in the room and I opened it to see a bathroom.

I opened the last door in the room to see a closet filled with guys clothes. I got out a T-shirt and it was huge. It was almost reaching my knees. And I'm not that short. I am average in height.

But is there really an average in height?

Whatever. I know I'm not short neither am I tall. Although you can say I'm leaning towards the tall side.

I walked back to the room and was looking out the window.
The door knob shook and I could hear the jangling of keys.

Thank God that jerk is back. The door opened and I was hit with a scent.

"Long time no see. Hello sweetheart." A voice said.

A/N: Thanks once again for reading my book. I know I've said it before but I'm very happy that you guys are reading my book. Please leave comments that will tell me your opinions. Even if it's just "I like your book" .

Let me know that I have awesome readers by voting and sharing.

Sorry, this was little late. I'm just lazy at times. Thanks once again.

Till next time...

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