Chapter 15

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Jennifer's POV

I hummed to myself as I walked down the hallway.

I shrieked as a hand grabbed me and pushed me inside a room.

The room was dimly lit. I could only see the silhouette of the face.

It was a man. That much I could decode.

His hand covered my mouth. I struggled, trying to free myself.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Try as you might but you're not getting yourself free." He said.  "I hope you didn't tell your mate about our previous meeting"

"James." Rose spat.

"Nnutyeh" I said.

"What was that?" He asked as he removed his hand from my mouth.

"Not yet" I repeated.

"Now listen to what's going to happen. You're coming with me. It's either you come quietly or else your precious parents will not see the light of day."

I glared at him, refusing to dignify him with a response.

"Understand?" He asked pinning me with a death glare even Satan himself would be proud of.

"Yes" I said through gritted teeth.

He grabbed my arm and led me down a passageway I didn't even know existed.
The passageway led to the back of the castle where three men and a woman were standing.

"Here" James said as he shoved me towards one of the men. Before one of them could catch me, I felt a tiny prick on my neck.

My vision got dizzy.

One little piggy. Two little piggies. Three little piggies were flying.

I blacked out.


Jayden's POV

I strode angrily throughout the castle, making my way to the throne room.

Two guards were standing in front of the throne room's door as usual.

"His majesty wishes to not be disturbed." The tall blonde haired one said.

"I don't give a damn what 'His majesty' wants. Open the damned door!" I ordered.

The blonde one shared a look with his shorter black haired partner.

"Now!!" I ordered using my Alpha voice.

"Y-ye-yes your highness." The shorter one stuttered.

They opened the door and I walked in angrily with one thing and only one thing in my mind.

"Kill him" Lucas growled.

"I can't. Not yet at least. He still has a kingdom to rule over." I said.

"Not for long." Lucas said.

Uncle James was sitting on his throne and was linking someone but he stopped abruptly as soon as I entered.

"Jayden. I was even about to send for you. Have a seat. Let's talk about your mate." He said.

Lucas was furious. I barely got my anger under control as I decided to sit down and hear him out.

He stood up and walked to the computer that was connected to the projector. He clicked the mouse a few times and pushed some keys on the keyboard. An image popped up on the projector.

"How well do you trust your mate?" He asked.

Was that even a question?

Obviously I trusted Jennifer. Perhaps even more than I trusted myself.

"Very well" I replied through gritted teeth.

"Well, I'm not so sure you should be placing so much trust on such a person. After all, she is just a servant. Once a servant, always a servant."

I clenched my fists so hard, the crescent moon mark print left by my nails were bloody.

He clicked the left button on the mouse once and the image changed.
It was a picture of what appeared to be a naked man and woman in bed.

The man's arm was slung over the woman and half of the man's body was on top of the woman. They were in what seemed to be a passionate embrace as the two lovers slept. A blanket covered their lower halves. From their intimate position, only the woman's face could be seen.

"And who is this beautiful young woman?" He asked. "Is she.. Don't tell me it's.."

He faked a gasp. "Jennifer? Your mate?"

He couldn't fool me. I could see the glee in his eyes. Before I could think about what I was doing, I was already in front of him and my fist said hello to his jawline.

"Where is she? What have you done to her?" I asked, my voice deadly calm.

I grabbed the collar of his robe. I don't care about the fact that he's the king. I'm the rightful heir and therefore my authority overrules his.

He smiled, showing his bloodied teeth.
"Why would I do anything to your mate? Are so blinded by what you think is love that you can't accept the fact that your so called precious mate is a cheat?"

My knee decided to greet his abdomen. He groaned.

"Where. Is. She." I pronounced each word slowly.

He just smiled at me again.

"I'm tired of having you think you can manipulate me. You shall no longer have such power over me. Either you willingly give up the throne, or I challenge you for it. Either way I'm getting what's mine. That's what I came here for."

"You cannot win against me." He said.

I smiled. " I have solid evidence against you. You're the one who almost killed my mate."

"Evidence?" He laughed. "You have none."

I just smiled at him. "Where is she?" I asked once again.

"Can't deal with the fact that she's with her lover?" He taunted.

"Shut up!" I said through gritted teeth.

"Look at her and her lover, that should tell you you where she is."

I've had enough of this. I snapped his neck.
Granted that was not enough to kill a werewolf, but it was enough to knock him out and keep him unconscious for a while.

I turned and looked at the picture one more time. Oddly enough, the man's back looked familiar.
No. I'm not a creep that stares at people's back. Being a werewolf, nudity was hardly a problem seeing as when we shift back to human, were naked.

I looked harder.

Then it hit me.


A/N: Sorry for this late update. Yes, I know you furious. You have every right to be. I'm so sorry, but I'm lazy at times. Raise your hand if you understand me.
This book has reached its final chapters. I'm debating whether or not to write a sequel.

If you'd want that, leave a comment and let me know what you want it to be about.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Till next time....

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