Chapter 14

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A/N: I apologize for the late update. I have been having this crazy writer's block.

Jennifer's POV

"Wakey wakey!!!" An annoying voice said which I identified as Mia's. The warmth of the blanket was stolen from me as my bare legs were hit with the coldness of air.

I grumbled and turned the other way, lying in the foetus position.

"Seems like you don't want to wake up. Let me just allow you to rest," The blanket was flung unto my body. I grabbed it and adjusted it so it covered my whole body.

I heard her footsteps and the door closing.

Finally, someone gets it. You never ever come between a woman and her beauty sleep. I mean why would you even try in the first place. You're just signing yourself up for tro-


I jumped out of bed as a loud alarm right beside my ear interrupted my train of thought.

I turned and glared at the culprit.

Yes, you're right. It's Mia.

Should have known she was up to something when she left without much persuasion.

"Mia!!!!!!" I yelled as she ran out of the room.

I groaned as I registered the pain all over my body.

"Get up. You can't sleep all day."  I heard her shout as she ran down the hall.

Jayden's POV

I pushed open the door to my office, satisfied to see Dylan, my beta and my Head of Securities officer, Beck.  

"How is it that in a palace full of capable werewolves, my mate, your Luna was almost killed?" I asked deathly calm. It will do me no good to raise my voice at them, so I tried to keep my anger in check.

"Alpha, I-" Beck started.

"You what? So you want to start spewing excuses now?" I interrupted him.

"Tha-" Beck started again.

"I don't care for your flimsy excuses. Find the person responsible for this right now!" I interrupted him once again.

"We can check the security cameras and ask around" Dylan suggested.

"Yes, yo do that" I said and dismissed them.

When I find who did that to my mate, he will wish he never crossed paths with me. 

Dylan's POV

I followed Beck all the way to the room where all the cameras are monitored so we could check the footage.

I sat down on a chair and watched as Beck clicked on some things on the monitor. A window opened and I saw files with dates on them. He clicked on the one with the ball's date. He skipped until he saw the Alpha and Luna together. 

We watched it carefully and saw the Alpha drop the Luna off in a room. Few minutes later he came out. We kept on watching and saw when the Alpha later entered some hours later and the pack doctor rushed in.

"Wait! Rewind it to around 7:30pm." I told Beck. 

"There! Right there." I said. There was slight shake in the display on the screen as the time below changed.

"Some part of the footage was deleted." Beck said. 

"Damn it!" I cursed as i banged my fist on the table.

"We're unto a dead end." Beck said.

"Maybe we could ask around and see if anyone saw anything suspicious" Beck suggested and I nodded.


After hours of asking around, we got nothing. We even called some of the guests, but nothing.

We were walking around the room where the event occurred.

A light bulb went off in my head.

I remembered  that there were some hidden cameras installed some years ago. No one in the palace knew about them only Jayden and I.

I turned around and headed to the Luna's room where I knew that the Alpha will be.

I knocked gently and when I heard enter, I opened the door. 

"Um..Alpha? A word please" I asked.

"This better be important." He grumbled as he stood up from beside the Luna's bed.

I led him up to his room where I  knew we could get privacy.

"Remember those cameras we had installed a while ago?" I asked.

"Yeah. I do, those hidden cameras. What about them?" He answered after a while.

"We couldn't find anything after going through the footage of that day. Apparently, some part of the footage was deleted." I said. "So I wanted to check those hidden cameras as I remembered we installed one close to the room" I finished.

He walked swiftly to his desk where his personal computer was. After switching it on and logging in, he opened the file that had the ball's date on it. He skipped to the evening of that day. We saw when the Alpha left the room after dropping the Luna in the room.

We saw a man dressed nicely in a suit entering the room, we only saw the back of his head. He spent some time before he came out and then we saw his face.

Jayden's POV

 I paused the footage at the man's face. Then I remembered the familiar scent I sniffed while entering the room before. The face and the scent matched up.

There was some blood on his face.

Dylan gasped as he was coming to the same conclusion that I came to.

"Uncle James?!" I gasped out, shocked.

A/N: Please don't kill me for this extremely late update. The battle with laziness was tough, but I came out victorious.

Who is this James guy that keeps on coming up?

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Till next time......

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