Chapter 8

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Jayden POV

I had been missing my mate since the last time I saw her. I couldn't meet up and talk to her because I've been really busy.

It's as if my Uncle was intentionally keeping me busy so that I would have no time for Jennifer.
I knew he always wanted me to be married to Ashley and had been hoping she would be my mate.

I rushed through the streets to get to the castle in my werewolf speed, with Jennifer in my arms pounding and kicking me.
I chuckled mentally. It was adorable that she thought that her kicks would have any effect on me.

I entered through the back door to avoid the guards and maids gossiping. I used my other had that wasn't holding her to open the door to my room and lock it.

I brought her down and imprisoned her against the wall so she can't escape.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you carry me here? Did you know how embarrassing that was?" She yelled.

"You were planning on kissing someone who isn't your mate, huh?. Well,if it's a kiss you want then a kiss you'll get."

I crashed my lips to hers.

At first she struggled in my arms when she saw it was no use, she kneed me in no man's land.

I pulled back away from her and cupped my groin.

"Arrggh" I groaned. "What's wrong with you?"

"How could you kiss me right after kissing her. In your brain it sounded alright to you,right?" She said then scoffed.
She tried to walk out but I caught her hand.

"I didn't kiss her" I said.
Seeing the confusion and disbelief on her face, I decided to explain more. "She kissed me and I didn't kiss her back. I've been trying to explain this to you but I had to sort out some things with my Uncle. She put some drugs into my drink that made me to hallucinate. I thought she was you. When I saw you at the door the drug had worn off."

"That doesn't explain why she was half naked."

"I came into my room and met her that way and she said she wanted to mate with me. And I thinking she was you allowed her to kiss me even though I told her to wait a little more and lets get to know each other before mating."

"That girl!. I'm going to KILL her!!!!" She yelled and broke free of my grip and left.

I groaned then stood up and went to the kitchen where Ashley was.

Jennifer's POV

I walked angrily following Ashley scent to the kitchen.

That girl was going to get it.

I can try to understand if she was with Jayden before he found me but her still trying to steal him away from me after he has found his mate is something I cannot comprehend.

She will find her mate, so why won't she leave mine for me.
I've had it up to my neck trying to tolerate her. She's going to see that I'm the future Luna Queen of this pack.

"Yes, I agree with you, its time to put her in her place." Rose agreed.

I walked up to Ashley until it was only an inch that separated us.
"You dare to try and mate with MY mate?!?!?!. We will settle this right now with a little battle outside. Follow me" I walked up to the kitchen door and saw she just stood there shocked.

I walked back and grabbed her arm tightly in a vice grip that was going to leave a bruise. I dragged her outside.

I shifted, and she did too. Members of the pack came out to watch. I saw Jayden among them.
He didn't want me to fight.
I could see him shaking trying not to shift. I saw Dylan and. Mike holding him back.
I felt better because I knew that he wasn't going to interfere. I mentally thanked them for restricting him.

My body was shaking as my wolf wanted control of my body. I gladly gave it to her.

We waited for Ashley to make the first move.

And she did. Surprising us as she jumped and ran towards the woods. Away from us.

"Coward" Rose said

"Go after her. I need to show her what we're made of."

We ran. Chasing her. Jumping over fallen branches and dodging trees. We got closer to her since I will soon be Luna Queen. I'm faster than her.

"We're almost catching her" Rose said.

We took a shortcut as I saw she was running towards the populated area of the territory.

We jumped hitting her in the stomach since the shortcut positioned us at her side. Causing her to tumble and fall.

Jayden and some of the pack members had reached us. Forming a circle to prevent Ashley from escaping.

I nudged her back on her paws. I wanted a fair fight and I am getting one.

A/N: Sorry the picture isn't clear. Thanks for reading.

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I'm also sorry because the chapter is short and I haven't updated in a while.
I'll try to update soon. No promises though.

Till next time...........

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