Chapter 9

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Jennifer's POV

I circled her, calculating my next move. 

Attack is the best form of defense. So I attacked.

I jumped and bit her on her hind leg. She whimpered and broke free of my grip not without managing to scratch me on my front left leg.

"That witch! how dare she leave a mark on our smooth skin. She's really going to get it now."   Rose growled. 

I jumped and bit her in the neck. Making sure that I dug my canines in deep. I held her there for a while as blood gushed freely, dripping unto the ground.

She whimpered and struggled, trying to break free of my iron-vice death grip on her.

"The more you struggle, the more painful it'll be for you." I said to her through the mind link.

"Please let me go, I'm sorry. I would not touch him again" she begged.

"Not this time, Ashley. I need to grind it into your head that he's MINE" I said possessively.

"Jennifer, please, I think you've done enough. Let her go, or you might kill her." Jayden said.

I growled, warning him to back off. 

"I know you. You won't kill her. You're not a murderer." Jayden said softly. 

I looked into his eyes with my own wolf eyes. I begrudgingly let her go.

"If I EVER catch you near my mate. You'd better start digging your grave and writing your will, got it??? 'cause you're already a dead being. Trust me, it will be a slow, torturous death for you." Rose voiced her opinion through me to Ashley mind link. 

We ran off, taking the route back to the pack house.  

"We showed her who's boss. Next time, she won't mess with us" Rose said.

"There isn't going to be a next time" I replied through the mind link.

"Yaassss!!!! We kicked her ass" Rose bragged

"Don't brag" I cautioned her.

"Or would you prefer that we served her ass to her on a silver platter?" She insisted.

Once I reached my room in the pack house, I shifted back. 

I put on a red crop top, blue faded skinny ripped jeans and red sneakers.

I decided that since I've finished what i have to do for the day, I'm going for a run

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I decided that since I've finished what i have to do for the day, I'm going for a run. My last run was ages ago. I needed to clear my head and try to forget what just happened. I hadn't been walking up and down so that Jayden would find me. Anyways, since he had already found me, no use neglecting what used to be my favorite past time activity.

I ran through the forest, dodging trees here and there. The wind slapping my cheeks and blowing my hair. I inhaled the smell of the grass, flowers, the ground, the mud-

Infact the smell of the forest and nature.

 I was still in my human form. No use shifting and wasting the effort I used to shimmy into that skinny ripped jeans. 

At times I hate putting on skinny jeans. The amount of time I wasted to enter into those jeans, a pregnant woman would have gone into labour, given birth and stayed three days in the hospital and I'd still be struggling to get the jeans past my thighs. 

Just kidding.

Though it takes time to get those jeans.

A/N : sorry for the short chapter. I pushed to make sure this was posted.

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