Chapter 6

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Jennifer's POV

I turned so I was facing Jayden.
But we were interrupted when a guard came to call him.

"Your highness, the King requests your presence in his office, he says its important " he said.

"Sorry, Jennifer I got to go, we will talk later".
I nodded, understanding him. He left.

Then I went about my daily chores. It was evening, and I haven't seen Jayden since morning and I decided to check his room. I tapped once then opened the door, what I saw broke my heart. I saw Ashley half naked kissing Jayden. He turned and broke apart from her harshly.

" Jennifer, please listen to me, let me explain. I di-" I ran away from his room, I couldn't go to the lake because I knew he would find me. I didn't want to see him right now. I have him a second chance and he screws it up.

I didn't think that I would feel this much pain. It was worse than when he didn't believe me. It was as if a silver bullet passed through my heart repeatedly ten times and while I was on fire. I tried to hold back my tears, I promised myself that I wouldn't cry again after this morning.
I wasn't taught to be crying every time something happens to me.
I've always kept my emotions inside ever since I was eleven but my tears made an appearance this morning.

I didn't know how to deal with the emotions that I needed to let out. I was mad at him, how could he apologise then cheat on me. I had so much rage in me. I ran to the training area. Thankfully I've finished my chores for today and it was still a little bright outside though the sun will soon set.

"Mike" I said to to the head trainer who trained me when I was eleven.

"Hey," The smile he had on changing to a frown when he saw my face. "What's wrong?"

"I need to release some emotions, so your best fighter?" I said.

"I am the best, there is a reason I'm in charge here" he said arrogantly.

"Okay, so lets do this"

"No, I can't fight you, you are still a little rusty. But don't get me wrong you are good, sadly I can't".

"Is little Mikey is afraid of a girl?" I teased because I need to fight right now or I might just get out of control.

"No, I'm not" he argued.

"Yeah right"

"Fine, I'll fight you, but if you get hurt don't blame me".

We got into our fighting stance. I waited for him to attack and he did. I dodged him then I punched him on his jaw and it started bleeding. It started healing because of our supernatural healing abilities. I jumped and kicked him hard where the sun doesn't shine. He groaned and doubled over in pain and agony.

"And I'm a little rusty, huh?" I mocked.

"You got better. This hurts like shit" he complained.

"Sorry, but I feel better" I helped him stand.

"Thank goodness, I wasn't the one who pissed you off" I gave him a small smile. His mood suddenly changed and I didn't need to turn to know that Jayden was behind me because I smelt him.

He growled at the close proximity between Mike and I .Mike quickly removed his hand from mine and moved away. Jayden looked like he wanted to rip Mike to pieces.
How dare he get angry after his face was on that thing called Ashley, she doesn't even deserve to be called a being.

"Calm our mate down, or else he will kill Mike" Rose advised.
I decided to listen to her. I stepped in front of Mike protecting him from my mate.

He growled at the movement, his eyes darkening to a darker shade of green close to black. His canines were elongating.

"Stay away from him" he said.

"No, you'll hurt him. Calm down Jayden"

"Get away from her" he changed his tactics seeing I wasn't going to listen to him. He used his alpha King command tone on him so Mike had to obey.
Mike moved away from me. Jayden walked towards me slowly. For each step he took, I took three steps backwards.

He stared at me. Seeing that he was no longer hell bent on killing Mike, I counted to ten mentally. Then I sprinted off heading to the woods. Thankfully it was safe to be in the woods since guards patrolled all day and night ever since the 'incident'. I heard his footsteps following me, he wasn't far behind. I shifted into my brown wolf with white tipped t and my clothes ripped to shreds. I dodged through trees.

"Stop" he said through my mind since he had shifted.

"No" I replied still running, sadly since he was an alpha prince and of royal blood he was almost catching me.

"STOP" he commanded. I had to stop because of the command.
He caught up to me and he accidentally tripped causing me to fall on my back. He licked my neck as a form of appreciation.

"Get off me". I angrily said to him

"Not unless you shift"

"Fine!" I said before shifting and he shifted. It suddenly dawned on me that we were not wearing any clothes. I tried to cover myself with my hands but he growled and removed my hands staring into my eyes.

He got off me then ran away. A minute later he came back wearing a dark blue shorts that hung loosely on his hips and he pulled a large black shirt over me which reached my thighs.

I remembered that I was angry with him and I pushed him away.

"How dare you? You were kissing that thing and now you are getting possessive over me? Unbelievable. I gave you a second chance and this is what I get? Just leave me alone I've suffered enough, don't you think?" I yelled angrily.

"Please lis-" he started but I interrupted him.

"No!, just... Just leave me alone. I need space right now. If I think, I repeat THINK I should hear you out, I will." I left and headed back to the castle.

A/N: I made this chapter longer because I may not update for a while. It may be a long time or short time, I don't know yet. Picture above or wherever it is, is of Ashley.

Thank you so so so much for reading.

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Till next time......

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