Chapter 10

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Jennifer's POV

I came back sweaty and smelly when the sun had already said goodbye to the sky and the moon was saying hello. I went to my room in the servants residential area. I quickly showered and put on a loose frozen pyjamas with Elsa on it.

Yeah, don't judge me. The material is so comfortable and I couldn't care less if it had "I'm a stupid hoe" written on it. Besides no one's gonna see me in this PJs.

Bed, sweet bed here I come. I was about to jump on the bed when an impatient knock sounded on the door.

Arrrgh!!! No one and I mean no freaking one gets in between sleep and I. We're like best buds. We so get each other, ya know.
When I'm tired it welcomes me with soft and comfortable arms. When I'm sad it comforts me with the same soft and comfortable arms.

I groan, trying to decide if I should let that person at the door knock to his or heart content and sleep or open the door.

Another louder and impatient knock sounded.

"Fine!!!! You win" I dragged myself over to the door and I opened it.

"What??" I was this close to shouting.

It was Mia and she brushed past me entering the room and jumping on my made bed and making sheet angels on it. I glared daggers at her for scattering the bed. She just grinned at me.

"What do you want, Mia? Or is to break my contract with sleep" I asked.

She laughed. "I just wanted to tell you about the ball that's taking place tomorrow night. So we can go shopping tomorrow."

I groaned. " Is this why you disturbed me?" I questioned her.

She nodded and threw me a goofy smile. "I wanted to warn you in advance so you can get enough rest cause you're not getting any until once we start shopping tomorrow" she said.

"Sorry, no can't do. I'm  working tomorrow"

"Now that's the good part, I talked it over with the queen and since you're the future Luna Queen she agreed to let you go tomorrow and stop working in the castle since all your needs and family's needs will be provided for. You and your family will be allocated to better living quarters." She said.

"Fine. I've heard you, now can you get off my bed?"

"Yep." She stood up and left.

I jumped on the bed grumbling at the lack of coolness on the bed since Mia absorbed everything.

I adjusted myself to be comfortable as the events of the day came flooding through my mind.

Well, tomorrow will be better. I hope.

* * * * * * * * * * *

I woke up to the camera flash of a phone. I saw Mia holding her phone and taking a picture of me.

"Leave me alone Mia. Sleep and I are conversing." I turned away from her using the pillow to cover my head and pulling the blanket over myself trying to listen the voice of sleep calling me.

I heard silence. Finally, she had understood the relationship between sleep and I.

I was falling into the mesmerizing allure of sleep when IT happened.


I felt an elephant-like weight land on me.

"If this is the end, God I'm sorry for all my sins. Please let me make heaven." I pleaded.

Laughter. I heard laughter and a very familiar one at that. The pillow was removed from my face and I saw the familiar laughing face of my best friend, Mia.

" Great! Now you're up. Go shower and get ready, we're leaving in 15 mins" she said when finally stopped laughing like a dying hyena. She got off me.

"Why am I cursed with someone like you, why? If it's something I did in my past life, I don't even know"

"Shut up. It's a blessing to have my gorgeous self in your presence. See ya in 13 mins time" she said and she was gone.

I got up and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower.

When I came out, I picked a brown tank top with '#SELFIE' written on it in orange, fusial pink jeans, brown ankle boots. I grabbed a brown tassel bag and a an orange jacket.

I love dressing crazily.

Just as I was done, Mia barged in.

"Great, you're ready. Let's go." She eyed what I was wearing with a disapproving look.

"What! You brought this upon yourself when you decided it was a great idea to go shopping." I said defensively.

She just sighed and grabbed my arm dragging me out of the room.

And then the horror began.

* * * * * * * * * *

Don't get me wrong, I love the benefits shopping can bring to you. But I don't like the stress of going from store to store looking for a particular thing. I only like one type of shopping -  Shopping for chocolates and Nutella.

The worst person to shop with is Mia. We've been through about 15 stores and we haven't bought a single thing. All because Mia found something wrong with every piece of clothing I tried on. Disapproving each with a 'too short,too slutty, too tight, too loose, too long, too shiny, too dull, too much black,' e.t.c.

" Mia, this is the last store we're entering then we're going to eat" I told her firmly.

"That's what you think" she said.

"I'm hungry." I whined.

"Okay fine."

Then we hit jackpot. Mia almost bought up to quarter of the huge store. Then we left the store to find food heaven.

* * * * * * * * * *

It took me three hours to get ready. The final result of Mia's handwork was astonishing.

I was in a body hugging dress that had a plunging neckline. It was black in the upper part stopping before my stomach and the lower part was a blood red. It reached my ankles. I wore black heels and I had a black purse. My hair was in loose curls. I had on simple gold earrings.

My makeup was done to perfection.

I swear Mia is truly gifted. I couldn't recognise myself in the mirror.

"Wow!" I said.

"You look stunning" Mia agreed.

"Thanks Mia"

"Don't mention it"

Mia was dressed gorgeously in a black gown with a thigh high slit and red heels with a red purse.

"You look great" I told her.

"I know" she said arrogantly.

I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, let's bless the people at the ball with our presence" Mia said.

"Wait, what's the purpose of this ball?"

"It's to celebrate Jayden finding you"

A/N: Sorry for the late update. I'll try to update frequently. Thanks for so much reads. Please keep on voting, it encourages me to update faster.




Till next time...

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