Chapter 3

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The door opened and Mia came in.


He pulled away from me but he was still holding my hand. He looked at me and I nodded
"This is my mate" he said

"Seriously?" She asked
We both nodded. She squealed.
"I've got to tell everyone" she said. Turning to leave the room.

"Wait Mia, I don-" I started before she leaves the room.

"As much as I like calling you love, I wanna know your name"


"I believe you already know my name"

"Yeah, come on let's see how many people knows already"

We walked away heading towards the garden. It seems most people knew. Queen Sophia rushed to hug me, I tensed before I relaxed a little into the hug.

"You're crushing her" Jayden said to Queen.

She released me.
"Sorry, it's just that we've been waiting for Jayden to find his mate for a long time an-"

"Jayden!!" She was interrupted by a high pitched female voice.

Ashley came up to him and hugged him, I looked down not bearing to see her throwing herself all over my mate.
She was the definition of fake. Fake hair, tan, body even I'm sure her eye color is fake.

"How many times have I told you not to touch me?" He asked angrily and i looked up to see he had pushed her away.

"Well honey, we are going to be together so we have to get used to it"

"I've found my mate"

"So I've heard, but she is just a servant you surely can't be with that trash instead of me"

"At least I'm not as fake as you, who has slept with almost every moving thing in this palace" I said putting her in her place. She gasped.

"Honey, you can't let her talk to me like this" she whined to Jayden.

"She is my mate" he informed her.

She scoffed and walked out with a dramatic hair flip.
"Glad you put her in her place, I've been trying to get rid of her. I don't like her" The queen said. "Well, I'll leave you two alone" she walked away.

Before we could have any time alone, Tyler one of my best friends, ran up to me to hug me tightly, I hugged him back.

"Happy birthday" he said still hugging me. A loud growl echoed was heard and Tyler was ripped away from me and thrown across the wall.

"Jayden!" I shouted as I rushed to get in between him and Tyler. His green eyes darkened showing that his wolf was in control. He looked at me as I helped Tyler up. He removed Tyler's arm away from me and hugged me .He buried his face in my neck and inhaled my scent in deep breaths.
"Tyler is my best friend" I told him.

"Well, I don't want any male touching you"

"We've are childhood friends"

"I still don't want him touching you, now you smell like him"

"I'll have a shower after you apologize to him"


"Jayden apologize to him or I'm not going to take a shower and I'll still smell like him"

He seemed to be considering it.
"Fine" he grumbled "sorry" he said lowly.

"I didn't hear you"

"Sorry" he said louder.

"No problem your majesty" Tyler said.

"Now let me go shower, see you later Ty" I said and turned started heading towards the servants rooms.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"To my room"

"You are going to be staying with me"

"I can't stay with you, I like my room better "

"You are my mate and I need you safely with me when I sleep, I don't want to worry about you"

"I'll be safe, don't worry"

He hugged me and buried his face in my neck running his hands up and down on my arms. Sparks erupted where he touched.
"Please stay with me" he murmured.
I couldn't say no anymore, he was weakening my resolve.

"B-but I ca-" he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer. My breath caught.

"Please" he begged.

"Fine" he pulled away before I could enjoy the sparks and his closeness.

"Tease" I muttered but he heard me and laughed. He held my hand and led me towards his room.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I'm trying to be updating frequently so I'll be making some short and long chapters. Pls vote and comment.

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