Chapter 4

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After my shower, I dressed and came out of the bathroom and met Jayden on the bed shirtless. Rose purred in satisfaction and I flushed.

"Come" Jayden requested.
I looked out the window and the sun was about to set.

"I'll wake you when it's time to eat"

"Okay" I said and went to lie down beside him, he wrapped his arms around my waist and I snuggled closer.

"Sleep well, love" he said as I was drifting to sleep.


I woke up to find the space beside me warm. It was already dark outside.

"Yes, love"
He came out of the closet in dark jeans and a blue shirt.

"I'm going to see the King, I'll be back soon then we can eat dinner but if I take too long eat without me"

He hugged me then left.


Jayden P.O.V

I wondered why the King is calling me disturbing my time with my mate. I knocked on the door to his office.

"Come in" a deep voice said.
I entered .

"Sit" he said.
I sat and waited for him to speak.

"You've found your mate?" Although it was posed as a question it was a statement, but either ways I decided to answer him.


"Good, and what do you know about her?"
He was starting to confuse me.

"I don't understand, I just met her"

"You do know that you are the future King right?"

"Stop beating around the bush and go straight to the point. You are stating things I already know"

"Your parent died when you were 13, and we have been looking for the people who killed them."
I nodded for him to continue."Well we have a some evidence on who killed them"

"Let me see" he handed me a brown folder which had 'confidential' written boldly in red.

I opened it and started reading. All the facts lead to my mate being the murderer.

"It can't be possible, our mate is too sweet to hurt anyone" Lucas said.

"Yeah, but the facts lead to her"

"NO!, our mate is not a killer"

"Lucas, stop being blind and look at the facts, it is her"
Lucas ignored me being mad at me.

"She has to be brought to the council for her trials and you can't have her as the queen, so Ashley can marry you instead think about it" My Uncle who is the King presently said.

I left his office and my mind was running through so many thoughts. I bumped into someone but before the person could fall, I grabbed the person, the sparks that went through me told me it is my mate.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked

"Yes" I responded coldly, I left her standing there and I could see she was confused.

"No, don't treat her like that, I won't talk to you until you come to your senses"
Lucas angrily said.

I went to my room and sat down on the bed with my head in my hands. I could feel a headache coming on, because I blocked everyone out of my thoughts.

Jennifer's POV

I waited for Jayden for a long time, I decided to go to the kitchen, on my way I bumped into someone who caught me before I fell. By the tingles I could tell it was Jayden. I saw his face and the smile that is usually in his face wasn't there.

"Are you okay"

"Yes" he replied coldly and walked by me. I was confused by his behaviour.

I decided to follow him to his room. I opened the door and found him sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.

"Jayden, whats wrong" I sat down beside him.

"Don't call me that" I was confused, but

"Okay" I said slowly."your highness "

"I can't believe you could do this to me"

"Do what?" He stood up to glare at me

"You killed my parents"

"What?!?, I am your mate, how could i even kill someone" I was surprised and angry.

"Mate or not you're still the servant who killed my parents" he said harshly.

"Your highness, I-"

"Quiet!, you are lucky you're my mate if not a slow torturous death would have been arranged"

"Sir, but I-"

"Enough! Leave my presence" he interrupted me.
I studied him for a moment then I turned and left.

A/N: So.....what do you think of the story? Do you think Jayden should have given Jennifer a chance to explain herself, if she is the murderer?

Please vote and comment, so I can be updating frequently.
Pic of Jennifer

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