Chapter 2

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Jayden's POV

My wolf Lucas was itching to be let out for a run.
I wasn't concentrating on my surrounding as I have lived in this castle almost all my life.

I inhaled the air outside near the forest. I took my clothes off and I shifted into my midnight black wolf with green eyes.

I tore through the forest running fast,trying to let out all the anger and frustration I felt for not seeing my mate.

"Why does she hide from us, is she rejecting us?" Lucas said to me

"NO!" I was quick to respond before I continued, "how can she reject us, we are awesome and sexy"

"Yeah, we are" he agreed. "Besides her 18th birthday is coming up soon and we'll surely find her then, if she is in this castle or in pack territory"

"How do you know her birthday is coming up soon?"

"I can feel it"

"Okay" I started heading back to the castle.

Jennifer's POV

My parents knew about my fear of my mate finding my mate. They tried to convince me otherwise but ever since my self esteem was damaged I couldn't be convinced.


It was my ninth birthday and since we couldn't afford much, I had an outdoor party.
The moment I arrived in my brown gown, which was a simple gown which was sleeveless and stopped at my ankles.

Ashley Evans a rich and spoilt girl laughed at me and everyone joined her because she ruled the school and her parents owned the school.

"Look everyone, the servant is here, oh and" she spilled her drink on the table of food "will you clean this up" she flipped her dark hair over her shoulder and left soon everyone followed suit except for Mia Rivers, who stayed and tried to comfort me.

***End Of Flashback***

So on my birthday night eve, I creeped out and went for a run to clear my mind and when I returned, I couldn't sleep, I was anxious about what tomorrow will hold. I decided to reject him before he does.

"No, don't reject him, I want him" Rose my wolf argued.
"You know I can't be with him, I am not of high status, I'm just a servant"
"Nooo!!!, I want mate"
"I'm sorry Rose, I can't"
She ignored me because she was furious. I sighed and slowly slept off.

I woke up after a few hours of sleep, my parents, my brother and sister greeted me with a happy birthday and left. I stopped celebrating my birthday after that incident.

I cleaned up and set about my daily chores.
While cleaning Mia's room, I smelt coconut and chocolate and I knew it was my mate.

I ran into Mia's closet and locked the door, a moment later the room door opened. My mate was closer he knocked on the closet door.
"I know you here love, open the door" his deep voice said.

"N-no" I stuttered.

"Pls open the door" he knocked harder.
I didn't respond.

"Pls don't make me use my alpha command on you"

"No, go away"

"You leave me no choice then, OPEN THE DOOR" he ordered
I opened the door and tried to run but he caught my waist and blocked my path. I felt the sparks where he touched me.

I closed my eyes and bent my head, he steadied me and he tilted my chin up and he didn't say anything for a while. Curious as to what he was doing I opened my eyes to find him staring at my eyes. I couldn't pull my eyes away.

He started coming closer and I snapped out of it and pushed him away.

"I can't do this. I'm sorry, I don't want you as my mate" I told him

"Don't say that" He stepped closer and I moved back, a look of hurt crossed his features.
I felt a pang of pain in my chest, it was hard to do this but I had to.

"No, you don't want a servant as a mate" I argued.

"I don't care what status my mate is, I'll love her unconditionally, please don't reject me, I can't leave without you"he closed the gap between us, and his face was inches from mine. I didn't know I was crying until his thumb wiped away a stray tear. I couldn't bear it anymore, I hugged him and he buried his face and inhaled my scent.

A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while, vote and comment pls, let me know what you all think. Thanks.
The picture is of Mia.(Jayden's sister).

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