Chapter 16

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A/N: Happy new year guys!!!! I'm so terribly sorry for this super late update. I know y'all are angry, but I've just been busy.  I've had final year exams last year and I'm preparing for college. I'm also kinda lazy, not lazy per say, I prefer selective participation. However, I'll try my best to bring this novel to its long anticipated end. I'm still considering whether or not I'm writing a sequel. 

This chapter is dedicated to my drop dead awesome readers. I just want to let y'all know you're beautiful, both inside and outside. Thank you so much for not giving up on ASAAM(A Servant As A Mate). I really appreciate y'all. You rock!!!!!

Jennifer's POV


That was the first thing I noticed about this ethereal environment. It was windy and I could almost taste the ocean breeze. The fine sand sifted in between my toes as I took my first step forward and my sea green dress danced to the tune of the wind.

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes as I sighed. I opened my eyes and that's when I saw him.

His broad back was faced to me. He was dressed in only a pair of faded blue denim jeans. Time seemed to stand still as the wind blew his brown hair as he turned and I saw his face.

He smiled at me as if he wasn't surprised to see me. He tucked his hands into his jeans as he strolled towards me. He stretched out his hand towards me. I glanced down at his outstretched hand for a moment before I smiled and grabbed it.

We walked hand in hand till we saw a blanket laid out in the sand. We laid down there in each others arms. I smiled, once again, content and happy as his was the last face I saw before I drifted into blissful oblivion.


Jayden's POV

It's been 17 days.

408 HOURS without my mate!!!

I'm slowly beginning to lose it. I've questioned Dylan but he kept on saying he wasn't the one with her. I almost killed him out of anger. He just returned from the infirmary three days ago.

"ARRGGHHH" I screamed.

I began pacing my study.

Think. Think. Think.

Damn it!!!

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

"Who is it!!" I shouted.

The door opened slowly and I saw a timid head peep in.

"What do you want? I thought I said that I wasn't to be disturbed. Where are my guards?"

The young boy shook in fear.

"Th-Th-They are ou-outside, Alpha. I begged them to let me in." He stuttered

"And what do you want?" I asked as gently as I could.

"M-my mother's missing, Alpha." He said then paused as he took a deep breath. I was wondering how that was any of my business when I had my mate to find.

"She said she had something important to report to Beta Dylan about the Luna's whereabouts. She hasn't been back since two days ago" He rushed on as tears filled his eyes.

"Jennifer's whereabouts?" I asked and he nodded. "Who is your mother?"

He started crying. Full on tears.

I don't have time for all this. I walked to the door and called for my guards.

"Who is his mother?" I asked pointing to the little boy.

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