Chapter 5

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Jayden's POV

I sat down on my bed thinking for some moments before someone tapped on my door then entered.

It was Queen Sophia.

"Are you alright?" She asked.
I ignored her question and looked at her as concern was etched on her face and asked. "Do you think Jennifer could have killed someone?"

"No, my goodness, all the years I've known her she couldn't hurt a fly!" she exclaimed.
I was getting confused, my aunt is a good judge of character. She was the only one I could talk to aside from Dylan.

"But uncle seemed to think she did"

"Do you?"

"I'm not sure, Lucas doesn't believe she did even though the file I read said she did"

"Did you ask her?"
I looked down, guilty.

"You didn't, how could you not ask her?, oh, the poor girl must be very sad" she sympathized.

"I was really mad at uncle for suggesting that, so I wanted to think and blow off some steam, but she was there asking me what's wrong and I couldn't take it then I yelled at her." I said.

"Oh no, you've got to apologize to her even if she did or didn't kill your parents and then ask her if she did but not now, tomorrow"

I don't do apologies even if I'm wrong and my aunt knows that.

"Fine, but do you think she will accept?" I was nervous.

"That's for you to find out"
I had a restless night thinking about her to apologize to her. I finally had a few hours of sleep.

I left my room in the morning and headed towards her room. I knocked on the door. No response. I knocked again.

"Jennifer?" I opened the door and her room was empty, where is she? I thought.

I picked up her scent leading to the back door in the kitchen, I followed it all the way to a lake behind the castle. I saw her sitting on a bench throwing stones into the lake and watching it splash.


She turned in surprise to face me as she stood. I walked up to her.

"I- I- I'm sorry" I stuttered.
She looked away from me towards the lake. She didn't say anything.

"I was not thinking properly and I was trying to get space to process the information but you didn't go then I lashed out on you, I should've asked. I'm really sorry"

"You believed whoever told you instead of asking me?" She finally said.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me" I held her hands and turned her to face me. I looked into her eyes and i saw many emotions but the one which stood out was hurt.
I hugged her "I'm sorry I hurt you, can you forgive me"

She started crying and she pulled back and nodded.

I couldn't believe she forgave me. "I'll make it up to you" I cleaned her tears and kissed her forehead.

"Finally" Lucas said to me.

"Did you kill myself parents?"

"No, I didn't. Do you believe me?" She asked. I looked into her eyes and I saw a flicker of hope in them.

"Yes I do, but would my uncle lay false accusations against you?"

Jennifer's POV

I couldn't believe that my mate didn't give me a chance to explain or even ask me. He just jumped into conclusions.

I had cried myself to sleep that night. Rose was sad and I could feel her pain. I was surprised when Jayden apologized to me at the lake. He never apologizes to anyone even the King.

The lake is my secret hideout whenever I felt sad, angry or I just want to relax I go there. When Jayden asked me if I killed his parents and he believed I didn't kill them I was happy. I decided to explain to him what happened that made his uncle think that way.

A/N: Sorry this is a short chapter.

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting on my book. It motivated me to write this chapter.

Pls vote and comment, thanks.
Till next time.....

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