Chapter Seven

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"You seem so tense ever since we left Hannibal's place"

You snap out of your thoughts, to look at your husband who is driving you both back home.

"Really? I was just too anxious because this was my first encounter with Dr. Lecter." 

"I shouldn't have brought you with them, it must have been stressful for you to-"

You place a comforting hand on top of his, trying to ease his panic.

Will is like a cute puppy.

"It's fine, I enjoyed my time with you beside my side"

Will's eyes remain fixed on the road, but his lips curl into a slight smile as he takes in the sensation of your skin against his own.

A feeling that fills him with comfort and warmth.

"How about we turn on the radio"  you suggest.

"It would be nice"

The moment you turn on the radio, you hear the shocking news of a dead body being found.

"Breaking news, there has been a shocking discovery in the city today. A dead body has been found yesterday and it's revealed to be a woman with (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes, in her mid twenties, and this is the third victim found murdered with such description this month"

Will quickly turns off the radio as your eyes grow big.

"Don't worry, we are investigating this case, and soon we shall find the killer"

He tries to explain but you could only wonder one thing.

Why is Hannibal murdering women who look like you?

Maybe it's not Hannibal, and someone else?

You need to escape from this universe quickly.


You tried to wait until Will completely falls asleep so you can go and see what Adam send you.

However, the FBI profiler has his head laying on your chest and his arms wrapped around your waist.

In the end, you managed to get up after a long difficult ten minutes of being careful not to wake him up.

You also made sure not to wake up his dogs.

Once in the kitchen, you open your phone to check the messages.

You received +6000 points
7:00 PM

A wide smile appears on your face, surprised at the huge amount of points you just received.

This means you only need another three thousand points to  choose where to travel without the list.

You chose 'The Hobbit' to travel to next, however, when you pressed the numbers down, it doesn't do anything.

The system is down right now, try again later.

Seeing that massage caused you annoyance.

Of course, every system has its ups and downs.

You will just do tomorrow.


The next is not better because the system is still down and sent a text to Adam and he said he is working on it.

Will went to work and before he left, he told you not to leave the house and even closed the door from outside with the keys.

Not a creepy behavior at all.

Rather way, you weren't going to go out, because you don't want to get hunted down.

Instead you are going to watch youtube while eating snacks.

But first you went to take a shower.

After the shower which took thirty minutes, you realized that you forgot the clothes in the bedroom.

With the towel on, you walk through the house to go to the bedroom.

While on your way, the towel drops at the same moment you notice someone in the house.

Hannibal Lecter to be more specific.

He is dressed as fancy as always while holding bags filled with food he made for you.

The look on his face says that he has seen you naked many times before.

"I apologize for being late"

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