Chapter Nineteen

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"Please don't do this, I'm a normal human!"

You wail out after Pugsley ties you down while Wednesday prepares to perform  Lobotomy on you.

"Don't be afraid, I'm sure you will enjoy the experience, Cara Mia"

When the Addams boys said that you are going to have 'fun' you didn't expect it to be this type of fun!  

But what did you expect? You are dealing with Gothic psychos who threw their younger brother out of the windows for experiment.

"You will just feel a little pinch"

Pugsley's words was anything but comforting.

Wednesday, with a smile that chilled your soul, expertly lifted the lobotomy pick.

You squirmed, struggling against the restrains as your heart raced.

For some reason you feel abit hot.

In your disarray, your gaze falls to Wednesday's eyes, the intensity of which seems to unnerve even the mightiest of men. 

"Are you thrilled?"

You shook your head quickly in fear but Wednesday doesn't buy it.

"But I have read your thoughts, you don't need to lie"

Pugsley chuckles before getting behind you, and grabbing into your shoulders.

"I guess she is like us after all" the blond states, laying his chin upon your head.

You feel your right pocket heat up, this pocket holds the transportation device.

Wednesday leans in to kiss you.

But unfortunately when his lips touches yours, you teleport away.

"She lied about being a normal human"

The younger Addams mutters out with a frown then smirks widely.

"This is great, she could be a demon!" he exclaims while his older brother rolls his eyes.

"No, she is a normal human, Pugsley "

"How did you know that?"

"Her lips taste like sweet fruits"




You mutter under your breath when you stare down at the device.

'This is for betraying our contract, enjoy'

You gulp as you read Adam's massage on the system.

"Is there something important then what I'm saying right now, (Y/n)?"

Clearly, Adam thought that the best punishment for you is to transport you to 'The Boys' universe.

Gulping, you quickly hide your device before staring at the Homelander, who is standing at the head of the table with his hands behind his back.

"No, Homelander" You state.

Honestly, you don't want your head lasered  off by the man-child.

Sensing the icy gaze of Homelander settle on you, you could feel the beads of sweat trickling down your spine.

The Deep tries to calm the situation down by interfering. 

"She is new here, and she must be feeling nervous considering-"

"Shut the fuck up, Deep"

You wanted to thank the Deep 'Kevin' for his bravery but you then remember that he fucks an octopus.

Homelander turns to you again and smiles, but it's is that tight lipped smile which indicates disaster.

"(Y/n)" He calls your name.

"Yes, Homelander?" 

"Why are you calling me Homelander, sweetie?" 

You frown in confusion at the nickname before answering.

"What do you want me to call you?" you inquire.

"Daddy maybe Dad for more formality"

Now, you are more confused and disgusted.

"Why would I call you that, this is disgusting!" you exclaim.

Ashley's mouth opens, while A-Train mumbles under his breath, as Homelander grits his teeth.

"Probably because I'm your father, perhaps"

Great, just great.

You arose Homelander's insecurity about 'Family Issues'

At least, his obsession is platonic.

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