Chapter Eighteen

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Sitting by the fire along with the other campers, you try to roast your marshmallow.

You are sitting between Wednesday and Andrew.

Which is the most uncomfortable experience you are having right now.

Wednesday clearly enjoys burned marshmallow.

The only reason Wednesday hasn't died from all those toxic things he is drinking and devouring is because he is half vampire or witch.

Or not really, because Morticia Addams is rumored to be a witch or a vampire.

Let us just say everyone in the camp is creeped out by him except for you and Pugsley.

"You are going to burn off your marshmallow, let me help you with it"

The blond boy snatches away your stick before you could object.

'Andrew, you are an annoying little brat and I want to kill you'  you think to yourself with annoyance.

'Are you going to burn his body afterwards or cut him up into pieces to hide the crime scene'

Your eyes widens when you heard the voice of  Wednesday in your head.

'Don't read my thoughts' you order, looking at the older Addams boy.

'Your thoughts are interesting to read, better then reading the sexual predators' thoughts'

You pout, and try to block your thoughts but fail miserably.

'Doing that with your face you look nice... like a sheep ready to get slaughtered, Cara mia'

You smile at his thoughtful words.

This is romantic, too romantic to the point where you want to bring your shirt up to your face to hide your wide smile.

But the wonderful thoughts is cut of by none other then Andrew. 

"Why are you staring at him like you are about to kiss him?"

You look back at Andrew and raise an eyebrow, disinterested.

Meanwhile, Wednesday stares into his eyes as if hypnotizing him.

After two minutes, Andrew screams in fear before getting up and running away back to his cabin.

You giggle as the campers are confused but what happened, not knowing that Wednesday threatened him.

Pugsley take the seat of Andrew beside you, deciding to introduce himself.

Seeing the younger Addams brother, you are surprised by his appearance.

Pugsley looks to be only one year younger then his brother, he has dark blond hair and brown eyes with dark bags under them.

And he grew out of his chubby phase, his physic is more of a slim masculine body.

"Is this girl your new victim?" Pugsley inquires with an evil smile.

"No, brother, she is my new special friend, her name is (Y/n)" Wednesday introduces you.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Pugsley Addams, Wednesday's youngee brother"

He holds his hand up, for you to shake.

But before you shake it, Wednesday stops you from doing so.

'Don't shake his hand if you don't want to die electrified'

You quickly withdraw your hand with a smile on your face.

"Sorry, my hands are sweaty" you lie.

Pugsley chuckles, catching on to your lie but doesn't comment on it.

"How about you join me and Wednesday at our cabin?"

"To do what?" you ask suspiciously.

"To have fun"

Pugsley's mischievous expression is enough to make you hesitate about accepting such an offer.

Wednesday leans in, brushing his lips against your ear in a seductive whisper.

"Cara mia, don't worry. We'll make sure you're not bored here. It's a promise."

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