Chapter Eleven

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"Sid? What are you doing here?"

You ask the handsome boy, allowing him into your house.

"I just came to check on you, you know the murdering rates around here has been high lately"

He explains, walking with you into the living room

"Yeah, it is horrible" you utter nervously, sitting beside him on the sofa.

"You know you shouldn't have let me in this late hour, I could have been easily the killer" Sid jokes.

"Except you aren't the killer"

He raises his eyebrows in amusement, a smile appearing on his face.

"What makes you so sure?"

"I have watched the movies"


"You look like the final boy in a horror movie"

Sid attempts to comprehend your reply.

"Really, what makes you think that?"

He leans against the sofa, placing a hand on the back of it.

"Only final boys who are kind would return the pencil they borrowed after class just like you did"

The dark haired boy chuckles, finding your remark funny.

"You forget one important thing"

"What is it?"

"The final boy always ends up getting with his crush"

"And his crush always happens to be his bully's girlfriend"

As you and Sid converse happily, suddenly the landline rings in the kitchen, so you go to pick it up

Once you answer the phone, you hear a deep voice speak from the other side.

"Having fun with another guy, cheating on your boyfriends, are you?"

You roll your eyes at the caller's words.

"Instead of being cowards, hiding behind calls, why don't you show yourselves"

"Sure will do"

The moment the call ends, you let out an annoyed sigh.

Honestly most ghostfaces in scream are dramatic.

And if Stu and Billy try to attack you, you are already prepared.

You walk back into the living room. 

"Who was that?"

"Just a prank call" you reply.

"Well, I think I should get going, I don't wish to burden you further" Sid says, standing up.

"Oh you are no bother"

"Still, if there is anything you need, I live across the street"

"Will sure do, Sid"

You lead the final boy to the front to door, but you open the door, you see ghostface standing there, holding a knife in the air.

Sid quickly tries to close the door, ghostface pushes it open.

Before the murderer could grabs you, your new friend pushes him away before grabbing your hand and running upstairs.

"I think it would have been safer if we left the house instead and called for help" you mutter.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing"

When Sid enters your room, he opens your computer and contacts the police as you lock your door.

You slowly pull a pepper spray that you made at home and also your transportation device along with the shows list.

But as ghostface breaks in, and you were about to pull off his face mask and spray at his eyes.

Sid does the unexpected and pulls out a knife from under his belt and stabs with it the criminal.

Once laying on the ground, Sid pulls off the mask to reveal Billy.

"It's you"

Sid looks in disgust down at your boyfriend.

But as he turns around to face you, he sees you typing down a number.

"What are you doing?"

You smile at Sid's confusion.

"There are two ghostfaces, the second one is Stu, so be prepared, see you"

With that being said, you press enter on the screen.


"Are you awake, (Y/n)?"

"This is the third time you ask me this question, Dad"

"What does Dad mean?"

"Father, it means Father"

"You and your strange language and accent"

Appearently, you are in the dungeons of Mirkwood with the crime of transpassing along with the Bilbo and the other dwarves.

From your appearance, you are half a hobbit and half a human.

And the daughter of Bilbo.

Is that even possible? Well, you exist so it is possible.

Thankfully, you didn't inherite big hairy feet nor his height.

You still look like a human but with a hobbit's pointy ears.

Suddenly Legolas walks to your cell along with Tauriel holding the keys.

"The king wishes to see you" Legolas states as the he leads you out of the cell.

Loud shouts echo around, as the dwarves and Bilbo protest at your departure.

"Leave her alone!" Kili shouts.

"Listen here you leaf licking elf if you hurt her-" Legolas cuts Thorin off.

"You will do nothing"

"What does the king want her for?" Bilbo inquires worriedly, so Tauriel assures him.

"You have nothing to worry about, he just wishes to converse with her"


You have been standing in front of Thranduil for ten minutes, ready to faint at any moment from his intense gaze.

Honestly, Legolas is hot but nothing compared to his own father.

"The similarities are unbelievable, my son was right about you"

"Umm... right about what?" you ask nervously.

"That you look exactly like his mother, my late wife"

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