Chapter Twenty

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"Why are you being ungrateful?"

You close you eyes and sigh, not wanting to deal with Homelander's childish attitude.

"I wasn't being ungrateful, I just-"

"Ever since you were a child, you wanted to join the Seven to be by my side as my sidekick! "

You try so hard to not roll your eyes at his outburst.

"Ryan seems like a better match for the honory title, because I'm sure I don't want to get called 'Homegirl' daddy dearest"

In seconds, you are pinned against the wall with his right hand wrapped around your neck in a choking grasp.

"I fucking own you, don't you ever think for one second that I'm letting go of you or Ryan, especially you"

Your vision starts to darken as the pressure on your neck intensifies.

Struggling to breathe, desperation claws at your chest.

You muster your remaining strength to whisper, ""

Homelander, lost in his temper and oblivious to the consequences, tightens his grip further.

"Let her go!"

Ryan screams, pushing Homelander away from you after walking into the house to realize what his father is doing to his older half-sister, you.

You move to the side, taking the moment to recover from the choking episode.

Homelander's realizes what he has done to you, before deciding to apologize.

"I didn't mean to hurt you"

But you don't give him the chance to explain himself further, as you pull out your transportation device and message Adam.

'Get me out of here now, I learned my mistake. I'm sorry'

"Who are you texting?" Homelander demands.

"None of your business" you stutter out, getting off the floor.

"Give me that phone right now or I'm going to punish you, young lady"

Homelander holds his hand out for you to hand him the device.

But you recieve a message from the system which you read quickly.

'Press ok if you want to travel to Girl From Nowhere'

You press on the 'ok' button.

"Give me the phone, now!"

Homelander advenced towards you but you disappear before he could reach you.


You walk through the hallways of the school, but there is something strange.

Every boy is glaring at you with disgust and contempt.

At least they aren't looking at you with lustful gazes.

But there is that one smiling boy who follows after you cheerfully.

With your universe traveling experience, you know by now that this boy is the male version of Nanno.

You suddenly stop in the middle of the hall, turning around to face your stalker with a smile on your face.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n)"

You introduce yourself, holding your hand out for him to shake it.

Nanno with the same smile on her face, shakes your hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Nanno, do you want to be friends?"

"Yes, of course"

Hopefully, you don't have a karma.

Because Nanno is sure going to play with you if you do.

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