Chapter Ten

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You didn't know that going out with two guys at the same time would be the most awkward thing you experience in your whole life.

At least those two guys are Billy and Stu.

"What would you like to order? It's all on me this time"

Billy declares after he and Stu ordered.

The waiter hands you one of the menus, as the waiter waits for all three of you to order.

"I would like to have (Favorite meal)" you say, giving the waiter a smile which the young man returns with a blush.

Just as you were going to give him the menu, Stu grabs it quickly and forcefully thrusts it at the waiter, nearly taking his breath away.

The man walk away before you turn around to glare at Stu.

"That was uncalled for"

"He looks  like he wanted to fuck you" Stu spats.

You frown at the Marcher boy, shaking your head slowly in disbelief.

"What? No, stop imagining stuff"

"I don't imagine stuff"

"Really, I heard that murdering makes people hallucinate"

Billy and Stu are taken aback by your straightforward remark, causing them to become motionless.

"Why are you jumping to the conclusion that Stu and I are responsible for someone's murder?" Billy questions.

"Because I feel like you two are trying to cover something up"

The atmosphere becomes silent afterwards.

"Um, guys?" you say, trying to get them to say something.

But they continue to stare at you silently.

Finally, Billy says "Maybe we did, maybe we didn't. What's it to you anyway?"

"We're not trying to cover anything up", Stu grumbles.

"Then what's with the weird behavior?" you ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

"What weird behavior?" Billy's face grows smug, it looks like he's challanging you to answer.

That's when the waiter comes back with your favorite meal, causing your eyes to light up.

Once he leaves, you begin eating the food, savoring the delicious taste.

"You seem to be enjoying the food more then our company"

Billy seems to be bothered about the idea of you focus on anything or anyone other then him and Stu.

"Yes, because the food is more enjoyable then your company"

"Ouch this really hurt our feelings"

Stu places a hand on his chest, pretending to be hurt by your words while Billy rolls his eyes.

You smirk at both of them playfully. "Oh, sorry that I've hurt your feelings by telling the truth. But the truth hurts, huh?"

At this point, you have almost finished eating.

"Aren't you afraid of us? We might kill you, (Y/n)" Billy teases you.

"Why would I be afraid of you" you respond, chuckling at the thought.

"You're both just a couple of softies who can't even hurt a fly!"

They are confused by your change of attitude.

"You just accused us of being killers" Billy points out.

Placing your cutlery down on the now empty plate, you grin mischievously at them.

"Don't tell me that you actually thought I was speaking for real?"

Stu chuckles nervously.

"Yes...we knew that"

What is better then manipulating the manipulators?

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