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"She's just a little too perfect, she's just a little too worth it."


"Que just stop. Okay? I seriously don't have time for the lies."

"Aria I'm not lying, I am in love with you princess." He spoke softly.

I shook my head. This is unbelievable.

It's unbelievable because every nigga that told me they loved me never proved it. I understand words can feel good but they don't mean shit, they're just good to hear honestly.

My last relationship broke me down completely. I was played and betrayed by a nigga I loved with everything in me. I would have did any and everything for him because I thought he would do the same for me. I thought he loved me just as much as I loved him.


And from the that point on I vowed I will never be so naive again. I will never be so quick to just love any nigga again.

And right now I'm upset.

I'm upset because this beautifully skinned boy with these big beautiful brown eyes and absolutely no flaws stood before me confessing his love for me and saying all the things that he sees in me that I can't seem to see in myself. I'm upset because I don't see what there is to love. I'm upset because I don't want the past to repeat itself.

I'm upset because he's perfect, way too perfect for me.

I'm upset because he loves me and I don't know why.

But mainly I'm upset because I think I love him back...

"No you just don't understand Que, I-I don't know how to love anymore!" I yelled frustratingly while tearing up.

and here comes the waterworks.

I thought he would just end up leaving and forgetting everything since I keep yelling but instead he walked towards me until I was completely backed up into my wall. He stared at me up and down making me nervous. He then rubbed a finger down my face as he smiled.

"Then let me show you." He whispered.

Before I could say anything else he kissed me deeply as his hands roamed around my body. Then he moved down to my neck, sucking on it & quickly finding my hot spot as he rubbed his fingers along the waistline of my pants making me shiver.

"Que..." I managed to moan out.

"Shush baby, imma take care of you." He whispered along my neck.

Before he could place a finger inside me, my door busted open making us quickly turn our heads to see who was standing before us.

And there stood the devil in the flesh, literally glaring at us from the doorway.



I gasped.

No, no, no. This seriously can't be happening.

I screamed as I quickly sat up in my bed.

"The fuck was that man!?" I yelled as I looked around my room and saw the sun blaring into my room and onto my face.

I was hot, sweaty, and I was crying. I screamed again as gripped my hair and got up.

I hurried up and rushed into the shower not even checking my phone first.

The Come Up || JacqueesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora