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"that ain't my girl, that's my nigga..."


"Jacquees you better be up. I am not playing with you today."

"Alright man damn." He groaned.

"Alright my ass, get dressed."


I rolled my eyes and hung up. I swear this nigga was hard headed and stubborn as hell.

Right now I just got off the phone with Que so he can get his ass dressed so Rick could drive us to the airport for Alabama.

I took a quick shower and when I got out I threw on a black and gold Boilers tee, light acid washed jeans, & my customized gold UGGS. Not even feeling like doing my hair, I just put it into two braids and I decided that I'll surprise Que today so I popped in my bottom row grill that I bought at the mall.

Now all I gotta do is avoid talking to him until we get to Alabama. It shouldn't be that hard, but then again it is Jacquees we're talking about.

I got another idea and tied a black scarf around my head and took a picture, posting it on Instagram and tagging Jacquees in it with the caption:

twins 😈 ( except I'm cuter tho 😛 ) @jacquees

Just for more publicity.

Instantly I was flooded with likes and comments of curiosity making me laugh.

As I making sure I had everything, Rick called signifying that he was outside.

Once I was settled, Rick looked me over and I smiled, showing off my grill making him laugh.

"Well hello thugnificent, what's the occasion?" He asked.

I giggled, "None I just bought it and decided to surprise Que."

He gave me this look making me roll my eyes.

"Not like that Rick. Sheesh, slow ya roll."

He nodded, "Alright now, Aria." He said pulling off.

We pulled up to Que's house in about 15 minutes. I called him instead of going up and knocking on the door to avoid from him seeing my face.

In two minutes he came outside with a slight mug on his face. You can tell he's not a morning person because he's either laughing or he's smiling.

He put his bags in the trunk and got in the back. As much as I wanted to go back there and mess with him, I stayed in the front.

"Good morning, Mr. Collins." He said greeting Rick.

Rick slightly smiled, "Good morning, Mr. Broadnax. How are you son?"

"I'm good. You?"

Rick nodded, "I can't complain."

Que nodded as well, "Yeah, I feel ya."

He leaned back in his seat and put his headphones in but not before smacking me in the back of my head.

"Quit." I whined.

"Quit." He mocked me in that annoying voice.

"So childish." I grumbled.

"So childish." He repeated.

I just huffed and rolled my eyes, not about to go back and forth with him.

He laughed and then started doing something on his phone.

I closed my eyes and before you know it, we were at the airport.

The Come Up || JacqueesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora