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Gisele was heading to the ER, since it was her turn to be on trauma when her name was called. She turned to see Herman, she stopped to wait for her.

"Shepherd, I want you on my service. I see something in you and that doesn't happen often," she handed Gisele a tablet, "These are your consults, if you have any questions, don't." She stated before walking away.

Gisele took a moment to process before looking down at the tablet to see her first patient of the day was April.

Gisele opened the door to the exam room to hear April, "I just said I didn't want to know the sex!"

Gisele raised her eyebrows, "So I'm guessing it's not going good in here."

"Shepherd, what are you doing here?" April asked.

"Herman forced me to be on her service."

Stephanie furrowed her brows, "Why? I thought you hate pregnant people."

Gisele gave April a tight lipped smile before glaring over at Stephanie, "Not exactly, it's just- I find it weird how you can see the outline of the baby's foot or when you can physically see it moving around," Gisele shivered, "Not for me."

Jackson entered the room, "Oh! How's it looking in h-Hey. Stephanie. Hi," he stuttered stopping mid-step when he saw Gisele and Stephanie, awkwardness setting in, "Why?"

"I'm practicing." Stephanie said.

"I'm forced to be here by Herman because I have "potential." Gisele added.




Gisele snapped having enough of their awkward back and forth, "So you guys don't want to know the gender, right?" She asked even though she already knew the answer to that.

Jackson nodded, "Yeah."

Gisele nudged Stephanie, motioning for her to continue with the ultrasound. Looking at it, she got a bit concerned how the baby was sitting cross legged.

"No, she says the baby's sitting like a little Buddha, just like last time." April said causing Gisele to worry.

"Last time?"

She leaned close to Stephanie and whispered, "Can you pull up her last two scans." Her phone went off and saw it was Herman telling her to join her in the OR, "I have to go find, I'll find you later."

Letting her lunch drop on the table, Gisele took a seat next to Jo and Stephanie, "I have been touching pregnant people all day, I feel weird. I feel like a molester."

"Look at this." Stephanie said.

Jo shook her head, "No. Look at that. He doesn't even eat with me anymore. Grey is in my bed and my bathroom. I used to eat with my boyfriend at that table. Am I being weird?"

"No, you're being reasonable. Am I being weird that I feel violated being forced to be around pregnant people all day."

Jo nodded, "A little, yeah."

Stephanie slid the tablet between Jo and Gisele, "So, I- we did an ultrasound on April Kepner today."

"Okay, that's weirder, way weirder 'cause it could have been your baby."

Stephanie had a serious look on her face and shook her head, "Jo, don't talk. I'm really bad at these, and I'm pretty sure I'm wrong, but I think something's wrong with Jackson and April's baby."

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