odd man out

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ARIZONA ENTERED HER PATIENT'S ROOM, excepting Gisele to be there already.

"How are you doing Elizabeth?" Arizona asked with a smile.

"I'll be better when this surgery is over."

"I guess we'll just get started without Dr. Shepherd." Arizona said, seeing Gisele wasn't in the room.

"She's here." Elizabeth said, pointing to the restroom door.

Just then Gisele walked back into the room, "Sorry, about that."

Elizabeth waved her off, "No, worries. Morning sickness was bad for me too. I hated it."

Gisele froze, Arizona looked over at her expectantly.

She frantically shook her head, "No, no," she said to Arizona before looking over at Elizabeth, "Not pregnant," she shivered at the thought, "Never, gross," Arizona elbowed her ribs, "Sorry, it's just okay... I want to clarify that I don't hate pregnant people, I just hate the thought of being pregnant."

"And you chose fetal surgery, why?"

Gisele shrugged, "It's weird, I know."

"Present now, please." Arizona said.

"Elizabeth Riley, 33 years old, 22 weeks pregnant. In for amniotic bands that are wrapped around the baby's left forearm and right ankle. Today Dr. Robbins will be performing an Amniotic Band Resection-"

Arizona cut her off, "Actually, Dr. Shepherd will be performing your surgery today."

Gisele looked at her in surprised, Arizona hadn't mentioned anything about taking the lead, "What?"

There was panic evident in her face, "Is she good?" She asked Arizona before looking over to Gisele, "Are you good?"

"She is better than good, she's a superstar and has basically been training to be a surgeon her whole life, not to mention she's also a bit of a genius."

"Are you sure she's good?" The patient wasn't totally convinced, "She looks like a child, she barley looks 24. I was still in college when I was 24."

"Actually, I'm 25." Gisele corrected.

"I graduated when I was 25."

"I can assure you she is the best resident in the hospital, probably even the world-"

Gisele cut her off, "Also, I graduated high school and college simultaneously at 15 then med school at 19. Technically, I would've been a real full fledged surgeon by now but I wanted to live life for awhile and travel."

Elizabeth sighed, "Okay, you can do the surgery."

"You'll be sedated and given some antibiotics along with some medication to prevent labor just as a precaution. I'll make a small incision in your abdomen and uterus then use ultrasound to guide me. Then I insert a tiny tube with a camera at the tip. I'll use a laser to cut the bands and the baby-"


"Evie, that's so pretty. Do you know what it means?"

Elizabeth shook her head, "No."

"It means life."

"That's definitely going to be her name, my husband wants to name her Barbara but that is too old fashioned."

"I say name her Evie." Gisele said.

"Okay, we'll let you get prepped and see you up there." Arizona waved in the nurses.

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