swimming in Miami

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Gisele was literally hours away from boarding a plane and here she was sitting on her shrinks couch, knowing she could've canceled even Carson suggested it but she just felt the need to go.

"So it's been a month since we decided to only schedule two sessions a week. How are things going?"

"The meds make me a little less sleepy." She said.

"That's good. How are you and Jackson doing?"

"Good... ish."

Carson narrowed her eyes, "Ish?"

"I mean it's good but I need sex. I haven't not had sex for this long since I was a virgin, that was ten years ago."

Carson had to hold back a laugh, clearing her through so she could continue, "Sex isn't everything in a relationship, Gisele."

"I know, I know but he starts things and it takes everything in me to stop it." She said.

"So why not let things go how they go?"

"Because he's still technically married."

"He still hasn't filed for divorce?" She asked.

Gisele shook her head, "He hasn't said anything so I assume no."

"And that clearly bothers you."

"Clearly, not to mention I've been avoiding April."

"Why avoid her?"

"Because her husband sleeps in my bed most nights," Gisele explained, "Do you know how hard it is to sleep naked in a bed with your boyfriend and not have sex with him?"

"I'm assuming hard."

"Exponentially hard, he's always touching. I've had to start wearing bralettes and underwear to bed, it's super uncomfortable."

Carson knew being a therapist could get personal but she hadn't expected it to go this personal with her, "You sleep naked?"

Gisele nodded, "Yeah, you should try it. It'll change your life."

Carson shook her head, "Moving on from your sex life and sleeping habits, I want to talk about your trip you've scheduled for a few hours from now that I said you could cancel-"

Gisele cut her off, "Which I said I didn't need to."

"Amelia said you had developed 'problems' when you began modeling, you have an eating disorder?"

Gisele stayed silent for too long in Carson's opinion, she thought she'd pushed the brunette a little too hard till she broke the silence, "Sorry, I just witnessed three pigeons fight each other over a piece of what looked like a bagel," she said, "what did you ask?"

"If you had an eating disorder?"

Gisele nodded, "Oh yeah, restrictive anorexia nervosa. I was fifteen almost sixteen when I auditioned for some ad or campaign or something. They strongly suggested I lose ten to fifteen pounds."

"Is that when it started?"

Gisele scoffed, "Please, I didn't care what people thought about me even back then. It started out innocently, I stopped eating breakfast then lunch, mostly due to going back and forth between school and auditions. Eventually I'd skip eating for the whole day because I'd be too tired to eat and it went downhill from there."

"16, that was your first year at UCLA medical school?" Carson asked, Gisele nodded, "how did that work? Did your mom let you move across the country when you were still a teenager?"

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