you're my home

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Gisele was grateful today was Catherine and Richard's wedding, it meant she didn't have to be at the hospital when the new interns started. She quickly entered the hotel room.

"Sorry, I'm late," she walked over to Catherine, bent down and greeted her with a kiss, "Hi nina."

"Oh, you're just fine, baby."

Gisele held up a bag, "I didn't know if you wanted some alcohol, so I brought some." She said handing the bag to her godmother.

Catherine chuckled when she saw the contents of the bag, "Seems like you want me stumbling down the isle."

Gisele shrugged, "I didn't know what you liked." She said going over the the couch and taking the sandwich from Jackson's hand.

"Hey!" He protested.

"I'm hungry, feels like I haven't eaten in days." She said before plopping down in the couch beside him.

He pointed over to the table, where the food was set up, "There's some over there."

"It's too far away." She said when her and Jackson's phones went off.

"Is that Richard? Tell me that he's here.

Tell me he's here, finally. I told him not to go to that hospital today." Catherine said.

Jackson and Gisele exchanged worried glances, "It's not Richard."

The three of them quickly got into Jackson's car and sped over to the hospital to help.

Once they got there, they went their separate ways. Gisele had quickly changed into her scrubs before heading down to the ER.

"Hey, Jo!" She yelled getting her attention.

"Where were you?" Jo asked.

"I was at the hotel," Gisele said, she reached out and grabbed a piece of Jo's hair, "Love the new cut."

Before Jo could respond, someone shouted her name. She turned and saw Owen.

"Your on field rotation, there's a rig waiting."

"Lucky." Jo stated.

Gisele shrugged, "I guess, see you later."

She quickly got ready, she approached the rig and saw her sister sitting there.

"You're going?"

Gisele nodded, "Yup."

"Are you okay... with all the loud noises?" Amelia asked.

"I should be fine," she said but groaned when she saw Meredith approaching the rig, "On second thought, I'm not."

Gisele let out a long sigh when Meredith sat down next to her, she pulled her earbuds out and placed them in her ear, a moment later she felt someone yank it out.

"Not to loud," Amelia said.

Gisele narrowed her eyes, "I know, mom."

Once the rig came to a complete stop, Gisele didn't hesitate to jump out of the rig, not wanting to be near Meredith.

"You the surgeons from Grey-Sloan?" A firefighter asked.

"We are." Meredith answered, "Where's the patient?"

"This way."

"What's his name?" Gisele asked.

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