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Brinda's pov

(2 years ago)

[A day before the rumors of #daivik's relationship started also the day before their breakup.]

"Mumma!" I called her nervously.
"Yeah." She replied in her sweet voice.

"I wanted to tell you something!" I said. I finally decided to tell her about me and Adhu.

"It doesn't sound good with your tone." She said and chuckled.

"It's something to do Rathore's." I said, gulping visibly.

"Don't tell me you signed another collaboration with those people!! Your dad would be really mad at you." Mumma said sternly.

Seriously, she is reacting like this thinking about a business deal!! How will she react when i tell her i am in love with Adhu?

"Why do you people hate them so much? I mean, it's just business!!" I said frustratingly.

"'s not." She said, and i looked at her in disbelief.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.
(The day rumors started spreading also the day they broke up.)

I was in my office.
"Brinda?" Papa called.

"Ji papa?"

"What is this? Is it true?" Papa asked me, looking at the articles claiming about me and adhu dating along with a few not so clear images.

I froze looking at the articles. I was too stunned to say anything. I don't know how to answer him! How do i tell him it's true? Can I? Not after what mumma told me yesterday!

Why did these rumors have to begin out of nowhere?
What should i do?
I love Adhu so much!
But my family?
How could i do this to them even after knowing everything?
Should i tell adhu about it?
He already has a strained relation with his father, he would end up hating his father, or worse he wouldn't even trust me.
What should i tell papa?
I can't tell him the truth!

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