{Chapter 5} Five feelings

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Luke was standing by his locker putting his books away when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw Hailey awkwardly standing there.

"Oh hey Hailey, is everything good?" He asked turning completely to face her.

Hailey shrugged, "Yeah, but I have a question, how did you know that you loved Zander?"

He smirked at her before answering, "You questioning how you feel about Jake?"

"Wh-what?! N-no!" She stuttered nervously while turning a bright shade of red.

"Chill, I just knew that I loved him. But at first I thought I loved him as a best friend. Later on I started to question it, you should talk with him." Luke smiled at her warmly.

She sighed and rubbed her head. She could barely understand how she felt about Jake. Ever since the first time he came over to her house she's felt strange about him.

"But how exactly did you feel?" She pleaded for a better explanation.

Luke thought for a while before replying, "Well I kind of went through different feelings, at first it was me feeling awkward. Then I'd have to say uh, self consciousness."

Hailey waited for a bit as he thought out the rest. "Then I actually felt love sick towards him, it happened sophomore year for me. After that jealousy, and finally I just knew I loved him. That feeling has stayed with me since." He said after fully putting his books away.


She sighed walking down the halls, yesterday she noticed how off Jake was. But today he acted normal. The goofy flirty self that he was, but she saw a glint of sadness in his eyes.

She tried shrugging it off, but she started to feel really weird around him during rehearsals. "You okay Hailey?"

Hailey turned her head and met Jake's honey brown eyes. He had that stupid caring face that made her heart just melt.

"Hailey?" Jake repeated her name and she began to awkwardly laugh.

"Oh hehe, yes?" She said plastering a stupid smile on her face.

Jake sighed, "Hails you're worrying me. You don't have to tell me anything but just know I care for you okay?"

She blushed at the words but thanked and assured him that she was okay. Band practice was really hard for her, she kept messing up and causing the group to restart. Jake left for a moment as Daisy came in and asked him to come with her as they were from the same middle school and they had to go to an assembly.

"I'll see you guys later, keep practicing without me." He grinned and left with his friend.

Hailey breathed a sigh of relief, she still didn't quite know how to feel about him. But it helped when he was away from her as it made things less tense.

"Anyone know what's up with Hailey? She's acting weird, she never messes up." Milly asked the three remaining boys.

"Yeah, first Jake yesterday now her." Zander sighed clearly worried.

"Well I know what's up with the both of them, I don't know why Jake is suddenly okay though." Luke said in a hushed tone.

"Wait really?" Sean asked turning to him.

Luke nodded, "Jake was thinking about his old friends yesterday, my gut feeling says something else as well. But it seems as though he's given up on whatever that other thing is."

Zander then asked, "Wait what about Hailey then?" He began to nervously fidget with his hands.

"Calm down honey, I'll get to that. She's confused about her feelings towards you know who." Luke chuckled hugging Zander.

Milly and Sean looked at each other and grinned. They knew that one day either one of them would fall for the other.

Zander groaned, "That oaf? Really? You know what, at this point I'm not even surprised. I literally heard them say love you the other day in the hallways."

They all looked at him surprised, "I'm sorry what?" Milly blurted out just as Hailey walked over to them.

"Hey guys. Everything okay?" She looked at all the faces. Zander rolled his eyes as Luke smiled, Milly and Sean kept raising their eyebrows at each other.

"Oh yeah, just talking about how you and a certain peach tell each other that you love each other." Milly smirked and Hailey turned bright red.

"Well- I- Uhm. It's just platonic, yeah. He's my best friend of course I love him." Hailey sheepishly mumbled as they groaned in annoyance.

Luke sighed, "Hailey, you're obvious. Plus Jake isn't here right now, everyone can tell you're really nervous around him."


Hailey was about to speak when a girl walked in. She looked new, but something felt bad about her.

"Is this the music club?" She asked looking around the room.

Sean nodded, "Yeah, we're not taking auditions at the moment though. Sorry."

She smiled at the group before saying, "I'm not here to audition, I was just wondering if I could come and watch in a few days. I enjoy listening to music, reminds me of someone." She muttered the last part sinisterly but only Hailey heard.

There was a tightness in her chest telling her not to oblige to her request. But before she could say anything Sean spoke, "Yeah of course! We love it when people watch. When will you be around to watch?"

She grinned at him, "In 12 days, I still need to get settled. But what are your names? Mines Charlotte, Charlotte Vera."

They all introduced themselves one by one and what they play. Hailey was extremely hesitant about her as well as Zander. But the rest of the club didn't seem to notice anything off.

"I heard you have another singer, what's their name?" Charlotte asked putting a finger on the side of her face.

"Yeah we do, his name is Jake Sterling." Milly said joyfully.

She nodded and they all talked for a few more minutes before she said toodles and left. The bell then rang signaling the end of lunch so they began back to classes.


Hailey thought about Jake a majority of the day. It was eating up at her. She began to feel worried about being to weird around him. She didn't want too make him uncomfortable.

She began to think badly of herself worrying that she could slip up anytime. Zander seemed to take notice during their class together.

"Hailey, don't stress over this. I hate seeing you like this." He sighed and rubbed her back.

"I just haven't felt this way about anyone, it's weird. I like it but hate it at the same time." She said slightly embarrassed.

"Let's get it off your mind, you excited for tomorrow?" Zander asked changing the topic.

She nodded. She couldn't wait to go to the park with everyone, they always have a good time.

"Yeah, I really am. I wanna get ice cream at the new stand." She said facing him now smiling.

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