Special Thanks

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I'm finally done with this book ugh, but I just want to thank a few people for some things. So first off thank you to my readers!
I'm really happy you all decided to read my book. I also wanted to see how special each and every one of you are to me. But a special thanks to some people.

Thank you Minty! For being one of my best friends and for being there for me no matter what. Also thank you for helping me write my books. I wish only the best for you and am so glad the world showed mercy when you got into that crash.

Thank you so much for reading my books! You're honestly so sweet and I loved seeing your little comments and reading your one shots. You probably are one of my sweetest online friends.

Been with me since day one! Wow! Thank you so much for supporting me through this journey!

And thank you THH members!
Y'all are honestly so nice and welcoming it made me feel over the moon when I first joined the server.

Now a little side note,
Thank you for those who helped me through my difficult month. But I will answer this one question about it for those who saw the update in my update book. Why did I make it public, shouldn't I be embarrassed?
I made it public for those who needed to know they aren't alone. But I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about being sent there because I needed help. It's simple, they just wanted to help me.

Anyways, thank you all once again. And the show isn't over for me! And maybe someone has spotted the foreshadowing in the epilogue? Who knows.

Abigail Roslyn Uyên, 2024

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