{Chapter 7} Seven minutes of fear - Part 1

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It was the last period of the day. Jake was sitting next to Zander in their math class. Both boys were just talking to pass the time.

"So you coming right over right after school?" Zander asked folding some random piece of paper. Jake nodded.

"Yeah I am, I already have all my stuff."

"Alright, anyways heard you got over Daisy." Zander said curious about what's going on with him. He just shrugged before replying.

"I guess."

"Anyone you thinking about now?" The grape lord asked looking at him.

Jake sighed, "Maybe. But they only see me as a friend and I'm okay with it. I haven't told them and I don't think I ever will because of that."

Zander became puzzled, "Wait, so you're saying that you're just going to stay friends with this person? I mean what if they feel the same?"

"Since when is this a big deal to you?" Jake chuckled a little.

"Maybe I'm curious. We don't talk often, and we've became better friends." Zander said trying to sound calm. Jake laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. But I'm pretty sure they don't feel the same. I'll probably love them forever." Zander noticed the sadness in his eyes at that moment despite his smile.

He was about to say something but the bell rang. Jake began to get his stuff together and Zander followed suit.


The two boys met up with Hailey and Luke who waited at the entrance. "Hey guys."

Luke smiled warmly at them while Hailey slightly blushed when she looked at Jake. The four began the walk to Hailey's and Zander's place. "I'm honestly not that tired."

Jake sighed while they walked. Hailey noticed the eye bags under his eyes. They had been there since he was kicked out of the music club, she felt bad and knew he still wasn't sleeping. "You should sleep."

They heard Luke say, the siblings nodded in agreement. Jake just shrugged and they continued walking. It was clear he still didn't want to talk about it.

When they got to their house Hailey, Zander, and Luke all looked at each other as if to silently communicate. Jake turned to them.

"So what- Gah! Guys!?"

The trio had forcefully shoved Jake on the couch and wrapped him in heavy weighted blankets.

"You need sleep." Zander sighed as they all looked at him.

"No I don't." Jake gave a goofy smile as Luke sighed.

"Who wants to make sure he sleeps?"

"I can, Jake you need to sleep. We will wake you up when Sean and Milly get here." Hailey said rolling her eyes. Jake grumbled to himself as Zander and Luke went upstairs.

"You aren't actually going to make me sleep are you." Jake smiled sitting up.

"Yeah I am, now shut up." She said sitting next to him.

He looked at her confused as she got out a book, "Sleep, I'm going to read to pass the time."

"And what if I don't want to?" He complained. She sighed and forcefully put his head on her lap.

He immediately felt warm and comfort wrap around him. He let out a happy sigh before slowly drifting off to sleep.

Hailey took notice how quickly he fell asleep on her lap, she took one hand from her book and put it on his head gently scratching and rubbing it.

Eventually she looked down and saw his eyes closed with his mouth open and slight drool, it made her chuckle a bit.


About 2 hours later Milly and Sean arrived. Luke let them in and they all saw Jake sleeping on Hailey's lap while she read.

"So, what'd we miss?" Milly smugly asked. Hailey looked up and blushed a little.

"He needed sleep." She mumbled and Sean added.

"Uh huh."


Jake hadn't wanted to fall asleep because every time he did fall asleep. He would see something that he hadn't wanted to. Most times it was when he got kicked out of the music club.

But today. It was her. She looked so innocent with her blue eyes and pale brown hair. But she was one of the biggest mistakes of Jake's life. Worse than when he lost all of his friends. It was as if it was a warning.


Jake's eyes flashed open and he shot up panting. Hailey now looked at him worried. The rest of the club walked into the living room and saw Jake looking panicked.


He turned and saw Milly called his name. He began to breathe fast and hyperventilate. His eyes were darting around the room and he was shaking.

"Breathe with me okay?" Sean rushed over and held his shoulders.

His breath began to return to normal and he started to calm down. Jake shuddered a little when he looked around.

"Heh, sorry y'all had to see that."

"Is this why you haven't been getting sleep?" Luke asked sitting down beside him and Hailey.

"Yeah, going to sleep is something I always dread." Jake sighed rubbing his eyes a little.

Zander then said, "Is it always this bad?"

Jake hesitated before saying, "No. Today was worse for some reason. I don't exactly remember what it was about."

"What do you mean?" Hailey asked after regaining her ability to speak. He spoke quietly,

"Dunno, I just can't go back to sleep for a while. I should be okay for the rest of the night though."

"If you say so Jake, but just know we're here for you okay?" Sean looked at him in the eyes.

He nodded before saying, "Let's try to have fun okay?"


They spent a while monitoring Jake, Hailey had clung to his side since he woke up. After a while the tensions eased and they tried to have some fun.

"Let's play a game."

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