{Chapter 23}

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"Great practice gang! I'm sure everything will run smoothly." Hailey smiled just as they finished up practice. It was a calm Saturday with the whole club just getting ready for the upcoming day.

Jake sighed and pulled her into a hug, "Don't over work yourself Hailey. Also are we the only group preforming?"

"No, there's 7 other schools. It's going to be a huge festival. But there are 3 songs per school and we're last." She answered snuggling into his collar bone.

"Wait why?" Milly asked sitting down on a bean bag. Sean chuckled and answered her,

"We won the band competition, they wanted our school to go last."

"Ohhhh, anyways what do you guys wanna do the rest of the day?" She asked slumping further into the bean bag.

Zander shrugged, "Well my mum and Michael are out with Bethany, so we can do anything as long as it doesn't end with burning the house down."

"Kay! How about we go bake cookies?!" She said suddenly standing up excitedly.

"After what you and Jake did last time? No thank you." Hailey said for everyone else. They all nodded as Jake and Milly scoffed.

"Fine then, what do you suggest your royal blueberryness?"

"We could watch a movie?" Luke suggested, they all agreed. Hailey and Zander went to go get snacks as everyone went out to the living room.


"Zander! The popcorn goes in for 3 minutes!" She said while getting some candy out and putting it into a bowl.

"Alright." He answered putting the in popped bag into the microwave. The purple haired boy then turned to his step sister.

"What?" She asked when she realized he was starring.

He just rolled his eyes, "Nothing, but you and Jake going to the formal together? Luke already asked me."

"I, don't know. I hope he asks me." She mumbled fidgeting with the food bag.

"He better, but also be safe. Drew apparently went missing for a while. They found him and I guess he got sent somewhere for being crazy in the head." He said shrugging,

Her eyes just widened in shock, but there was nothing else to say or talk about so she went back to preparing the snacks.


"Food!!" Milly eagerly yelled as Hailey and Zander placed the bowls on the table.

She reached in and started shoveling handfuls into her mouth as Sean sighed, "Milly you're gunna get a stomachache. Slow down."

Hailey sighed and sat next to Jake who was talking with Luke. He immediately stopped the conversation and shifted his attention to the girl beside him. "Hi princess."

"Shut up!" She hissed leaning away from him. Luke and Milly snickered as Jake just pulled her practically on his lap.

"But you are my blueberry princess." He said pinching her cheeks. She huffed and slapped his hands away going to sit next to Sean. "Owie, that hurt."

"Deserved, anyways Jake what are your plans after school on Monday?" Luke asked while leaning on Zander.

"Nothing at the moment, why?" He crooked his head. Hailey always found that cute but she decided to turn on the movie as they talked.

"Me and Sean were wondering if you'd like to go back to the mall. We still need clothing for the formal." The peanut butter haired boy grinned, he thought for a second and agreed.

"Hey shut the hell up! I'm trying to watch the movie!" Milly screeched and they all silenced to watch it.

Sorry this is so short, my motivation has been killing me. As I do not enjoy writing this book anymore. But trying to regain motivation for it, I will not be abandoning this as it is my first book. You should go check out my other book while you wait for chapters in this one! CSM it's really good and I had fun writing it. And it's getting a book 2! Anyways have a good day!
(Disappointed that CSM didn't do as well as ASFR cause I actually enjoyed writing CSM 😭🙏)

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