{Chapter 24} Twenty Four songs

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Jake was asleep in bed, terrible night of sleep. Per usual for the boy. He woke up a total of 4 times due to nightmares. His phone alarm rang waking him up. Groaning he answered it, but before he could get a word in some yelled on the other end.

"Jake! Where are you!? We agreed to meet at my house at 7!"

He rubbed his eyes, "Calm down princess. I'm in bed, it's only 6:30-."

"Bloody hell! You're still in bed?! Jake if you aren't over here in the next half hour I will tear you to shreds!" Hailey said pissed on the other end. She clearly was worrying too much. He sighed and got out of bed,

"Yes ma'am."


"Where is he?! It's 7:15!" Hailey paced around the house. She was clutching her phone nervously.

Zander sighed, "Hailey, you and me both know how late that oaf is to everything."

"Yeah it's going to be okay Hailey. Don't push yourself too much." Luke assured, Milly just stated.

"We will be fine, the event doesn't even start until 12. And we can just warm up with out him. Also what time are we leaving for the festival?"

"11, they want us there early just to make sure every band shows up." Sean answered just as the doorbell rang. Hailey immediately ran to the door.

"Hey- ow!"

The whole club saw Hailey grab Jake by the ear dragging him inside. Milly sarcastically said, "Welcome to Hailey's hostage house. We hope you enjoy suffering with us."

Hailey shot the shorter girl a death glare and turned back to Jake, "I thought I said 7?!"

"You did! I'm sorry there was traffic!"

>>Time skip to when they get to the festival cause I'm a lazy mf<<

"Finally, that car ride was horrendous." Milly groaned as they piled out of Sean's car.

"Tell me about it, but when do people start arriving?" Jake said stretching his back.

Luke looked up from his phone, "Around 11:50, the bands don't start preforming until 18 though."

"Okay let's make our way to the backstage area, we can leave all our stuff there and just go around until 17." Hailey beamed, she clearly was excited. Zander smiled, he was happy to see his sister grinning like crazy.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great plan."

They hurried up with unloading and getting all their stuff in the designated area. Sean checked the time. Exactly 12:04, "Well the festival already begun. We can just meet back up later, Milly I heard Stacy's Mama Mia Pizza has a booth here-."

"Leaving right now!" She squealed grabbing his arm and dragging him off. He managed to get a wave goodbye in to the group.

"Well, see you later Zan. We're going to walk around." Hailey smiled grabbing Jake's hand, his head tilted in confusion.

"Since when did I agree?- I mean yes we are my beautiful blueberry!"

What Zander and Luke didn't see was the death glare Hailey gave him. "Oh okay, me and Zander will probably just head over to the animal booths." Luke smiled linking arms with his lover.

Jake and Hailey both walked around, they mainly were just talking and joking around until they bumped into a familiar face. "Jake! Hailey!"

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