{Chapter 13} Thirteen horrific notes

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"Happy Wednesday Jake!" Milly piped coming up to him. Jake returned a smile.

"Morning Mills. How ya doing?" She shrugged.

"Eh as good as it could get when it comes to math."

The duo began to walk down the halls to the music room. Unaware of Drew's guilty glances. "Drew? You okay?" Liam asked turning to him.

"Yeah why?" He answered coldly. Henry spoke up,

"You keep looking at anyone from the music club when they walk past. You still upset with what happened with Jake?"

"No! Me and Jake aren't friends, I'm fine with that now. I couldn't care less about him." He huffed. Liam rolled his eyes before showing Henry something on his phone.

"Whatever you say man."


"You seem distracted, everything okay?"

Jake felt a hand on his arm. He turned over and saw his best friend. "Heh, yeah Hails. Why?"

"Jake, don't lie to me." She sighed removed her hand to sit up and look him in the eye.

He just looked away from her before saying, "Hailey I'd rather not talk about it."

The bell rang and Jake quickly got his things together before rushing out, Hailey trailed close behind still trying to talk to him. "Jake why can't you just talk to me!"

"I said I don't want to talk about it, Hailey!" He snapped at her turning around, most people stopped in the hallway to see.

Hailey stepped back, shocked by the sudden out burst. He had pain and anger through his usual bright and hopeful eyes.

His expression began to soften seeing the slight fear in her eyes. "Hailey, I-." He began but decided against it before turning away. He felt guilty, and didn't noticed Hailey walk away as well with small tears pricking her eyes.


"I don't get it, he doesn't seem to tell me anything anymore Zander!" Hailey slightly sniffled as he hugged her.

"He's, going through a lot of anxiety right now." Zander sighed rubbing her back.

She looked at him, "Yeah but why can't he tell me! I love him so much, but it feels like he doesn't trust me."

The purples haired boy mumbled, "It's cause he doesn't want you to worry, if I was him I'd be the same with Luke."

"What...?" She shuddered, "He told you and not me?"

Now Zander just looked guilty, "He doesn't want you to worry about him, he only told us because he was really scared on Sunday." Hailey wiped her face.

"Who else knows?"

"Luke and me. But Hailey, don't push it. I don't exactly know all the details." Zander said getting up. She sighed and pondered on what to do.


During rehearsals the room was full of tension. Jake had earlier talked with Luke about what happened and asked for advice. "Just talk with her." He remembered what Luke had said.

After practice Jake stayed after with Hailey to talk, "So, I'm sorry for lashing out on you earlier. I was just-".

"Stressed, I know. I shouldn't have been prying. I'm sorry too." She gently smiled at him before he pulled her into a tight hug.

"But, I would like to know what has been up with you. Jake I care so much about you." She looked up at him.

"Okay, but don't be too alarmed." He sighed.


They talked all throughout their free period. Hailey was scared to hear everything say the least but she tried her best to reassure him.

Eventually they finished talking and they began walking in the halls chatting to try and get his mind off it for a while.

"Oh that's interesting, wait hold up I need to put something away." Jake smiled at her opening his locker.

The two singers watches as notes toppled out. "She's here." Jake muttered.

Hailey counted and read all the notes, noticing Jake's face scrunch up. "Eww, it's like their creepy dreams about you."

She saw Jake gagging and couldn't help but chuckle before they gathered the notes and threw them in the trash. Jake felt slightly more at ease with Hailey there. He assumed that he would be angrily screaming if he had opened his locker alone.

Maybe things would be okay.

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