{Chapter 19}

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"Finally!" Milly sighed, the group was in the club room practicing for the festival that Sunday.

Hailey smiled at the group, "Okay, so we're performing a total of 3 songs. Including our original Starlight. And-."

"Calm down Hailey, just relax a little. We still have the rest of the week. And I'm pretty sure we have the other two songs down." Sean interrupted her. She smiled weakly at him before hearing bickering in the corner.

"Nu-uh! I'm not a simp! And I'm not cringe with her like you are with Luke." Jake said crossing his arms.

Zander scoffed, "Tch, you literally drool over my sister and give her goo, goo eyes. I see the way you preform together. And of course you aren't clingy to her, you've only been together for less than a week!" Hailey and Luke sighed together watching both their partners argue.

"We should do something about this." Hailey muttered, Luke chuckled in response.

"I wanna see who wins." Milly and Sean joined the two. She grinned at Hailey,

"You know, as much as I hate PDA. I can't wait for you and Jake's honeymoon phase. I bet it's gunna be adorably sickening."

Sean just looked at Milly like a parent would, "Let's not push it Mils."

"It's okay I don't mind, but I would like to do the little things with him in private." Hailey sheepishly stated.

"I wouldn't mind that princess~" Jake hummed as him and Zander joined the conversation.

She glared at him, that nickname always annoyed her. "Shut up!" She said pushing him away from her.

"Awh you guys are like an old married couple!" Milly squealed excitedly. Sean and Luke chuckled as Zander rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, we should be practicing anyways. Which song do you guys want to do?" Hailey sighed looking at them all.

Milly smirked, "Axis of your love of course. Y'all are so cute when you perform it!!"

"Fine, Jake what do you think? Jake?" She asked turning to her idiotic boyfriend who was staring off into space. She groaned and tugged on his ear causing him to whine.

"Owwww! That hurts!"

"Well pay attention. Now let's start!" Hailey piped. Everyone saluted her,

"Yes ma'am!!"


"Hey Hailey!" Daisy beamed at her, she waved and walked over.

"Hi Daisy how are you?"

The snow haired girl shrugged, "I'm doing okay, the student council is electing a new head girl today. Everyone seems to have taken a liking of a sophomore named Lori."

"Oh yeah I've heard of her, no one really seems to have anything against that girl." Hailey replied, the two girls began to walk together.

"So you interested in anyone lately?" Daisy asked as they neared her locker.

Hailey smiled at her, "Yeah actually, I have a boyfriend."

Her eyes widened as she opened her locker, "And you didn't tell me! Who?!"

She just let out a nervous laugh, "Well surprisingly it's-."

"Hailey! Daisy!" Someone called interrupting her mid sentence. Both girls turned to see Jake running down the hall towards them.

"Oh hello Jake!" Daisy smiled, Hailey lightly blushed as he made his way over.

"Hello! Hi baby." He said pulling Hailey into a hug. She turned crimson upon hearing the pet name.

"Jake you're embarrassing me in front of Daisy." She said burying her face into his chest.

Daisy's mouth gaped open, "Wait you're dating him?!"

"Unfortunately." She mumbled turning to her friend.

"Well that was unexpected, but congratulations! But I'll see you later Hailey. You too Jake, bye!" Daisy waved leaving the couple.

Hailey looked up at her boyfriend and huffed, "Don't embarrass me like that."

"Sorry princess, but you're so cute when flustered." He smirked.

"Shut up!" She said walking away from his smug self.


"Hey Mr. Simp." Zander said upon spotting him during break.

"Hey grape lord, what's up?" He said putting away his phone.

The purple haired boy shrugged, "Nothing much. Hailey keeps pestering me about a double date."

"Oh, wait what?" Jake crooked his head, Zander nodded.

"Yeah, my amazing older sister can be a pain. I believe you're her first though."

"Oh that's the same case for me." He nervously smiled.

Zander smiled, "You know, if this was like 3 months ago I probably would be trying to convince y'all to break up. But now to be honest I don't mind it."

"Oh, thank you ?" Jake said puzzled.

"I'll see you at rehearsals after school, and please don't be late. Hailey will go crazy." Zander sighed walking off.

Jake stood there and awkwardly waved bye.

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