{Chapter 9} Nine strange texts

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It was Saturday, Jake was sitting at home texting. The music club group chat was blowing up like crazy, Milly and Zander were arguing about music taste like usual.

He hadn't had a nightmare last night, it felt nice. He was in a pretty good mood today because of it.

About ten minutes passed and he was telling the group something that Milo did. But then he got some text messages from an unknown number.

'Hello, Jake,' the first two came in. He looked at it confused before texting back. 'Hello?'

'May, 14, 2021,' okay now that is really weird, he waited for more messages.

'I'm, watching, you,' he didn't know what to do, only feeling panicked. This has to be a prank he tried assuring himself.

He quickly went back to the music club group chat and saw that he was in the middle story but never finished. They wondered what happened to him. Jake decided to just call them and ask rather than text.

"Jake!" Milly squealed, "Where were you?? Kinda left us hanging."

He shuddered before asking, "Did any of you guys text me that? If so it's not funny you guys know I've been on edge since yesterday."

"What are you talking about Jake?" Hailey asked concerned.

"Jake you're being weird, none of us privately messaged you." Sean said confused.

"N-nothing, can I come over to one of your places? I don't feel safe." He said hesitantly.

"Yeah, I'm home with my mom right now. You could come over to my house, Zander's here too." Luke spoke.


They heard a lot of movement from Jake's end before he hung up practically speed walking to Luke's house. He then one last message, it was a picture of him leaving his house just a few minutes ago.

That caused him to run. When he got there he was practically panting. Luke opened the door and looked at him worriedly, "Jake you're scaring us, this is really sudden."

"I promise I'm okay, I just don't like being home alone." He said as Luke let him in.

"Mom! Jake's here!" He yelled and some lady replied.


"Let's go to my room, Zander's up there waiting for us." Luke smiled warmly making Jake feel a little safer.


"So what's the sudden rush of coming here?" Zander asked when they walked in.

"Promise not to tell the rest of the club, especially Hailey." Jake sighed sitting on the ground.

Zander and Luke hesitate before looking at each other then nodding. "So I got these really strange stalker messages. I wasn't feeling safe at home as no one was there with me." Jake mumbled before pulling out his phone.

"Creepy." Zander shuddered as they skimmed through his phone. Luke nodded in agreement.

Luke added, "You should tell your mom."

"I don't want to worry her." Jake said putting his head in his hands.


The three boys hung out and talked mainly about to school to get Jake's mind off things. Until it was time for Zander and Jake to leave.

"Bye, love you." Luke kissed Zander on the forehead and Jake waved.

Jake had asked Zander for a ride ahead of time so they were off to his place first. "You feeling better?"

"Yeah, thanks Zander." Jake weakly smiled at him.

They drove the rest of the way in silence only speaking as Jake was leaving. "Stay safe."

"You too." Jake mumbled walking inside.

[Another crappy chapter, I again apologize I'm slowly losing motivation for the next two chapters I started writing as well. But I'm real excited about 12-15 haha!]

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