Chapter Seven - Who knows if we will see each other again.

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Blythe and I parted ways at the airport after our flight, but there was no phone number switch. I was tempted, but I decided not to ask. Having her next to me on the flight made it more bearable. We had a lot of fun. We ended up in the bathroom again. I am surprised we didn't get caught. Who knows if we will see one another again? We could run into one another or never see each other. Either way, the last twenty-four with her were a lot of fun. I am sure she enjoyed it too. She will cross my mind again; I am sure of that. You don't forget good sex like that.

I am on my way home in a taxi. I am ready for a shower and my bed. I have only been away for a week, but I have missed home. I love my country. It is so beautiful and friendly. You can't help but miss it while you are away. I have my meeting first thing tomorrow morning since I couldn't make the original one.

I have met Jason a few times before. He is a good man, a hard-working man. I am excited about getting into business with him. We just had to go over the final details and sign some papers. It has been in the works for a few months now. It will be an excellent opportunity for everyone involved. All I know is I will be dealing with him and one of his daughters. They will be a massive part of it. I am not sure when I will meet her, but Jason told me she is incredible at what she does and warned me that she can be feisty and takes no nonsense, which I like the sound of.

I soon arrived at my place, paid the driver, grabbed my bag, and headed inside. I will deal with my clothes tomorrow. I am too exhausted to do it tonight. I dump my bag in the kitchen, next to the washing machine and head straight for my shower. I will be in bed soon. I am up at five tomorrow morning. I did plan on trying to sleep on the flight, but I got occupied with other things.

I smirk at the thought. I switch on the shower, strip down and step into it. I hiss when the warm water hits my back. Blythe tore the hell out of my back the first night we spent together. I don't have any complaints. I love it when women get rough with me. It turns me on. Plus, it tells me I am doing it right.

My cock throbs only at the thought of her. I need to contain myself, or I will need to do more than shower while I am in here. I have a feeling this will happen on occasion for at least the next couple of weeks. But I can't let it distract me too much. I need to focus on business.

I think about everything other than Blythe and finally manage to get my shower in peace. I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. When I stand in front of the mirror to brush my teeth, I notice I have marks all over me. Bite marks, scratch marks and even some small hickeys. Why have I not noticed these until now? I should have known, though, she seemed to enjoy biting. I chuckle and shake my head. They will take a little time to clear up. Thankfully, there aren't any on my neck, which will be noticed at my meeting tomorrow.

I could imagine what it would be like to be with Blythe in a relationship or as a friend-with-benefits kind of thing. Nothing would get the chance to clear up because she would continue to leave her mark on what is hers.

I groan and give myself a shake before I excite myself. I concentrate on what I should be doing and prepare for bed. I will sleep easily because I am so tired.


My meeting with Jason had gone well, but now, we were just having general conversation.

"You should join me and my family for dinner this weekend. You can meet my wife and daughters." He smiles.

"I don't want to get in the way of family time," I reply.

"You won't be. It will be good for you to get to know everyone since we are now business partners. You will see a lot of my family and will be working closely with my youngest. It would be nice to meet everyone in a casual setting." He says.

"Okay, sure, I will come. Just let me know the details."

He has a point. I would rather meet them in a casual setting rather than a business one.

"Great! Are you single? I think you would be a great match for my eldest." He chuckles.

"I am single but not looking at the moment. I am too busy for dating." I laugh.

I would rather he not set me up with one of his daughters because if it doesn't work out, then it could make things complicated for everyone.

"Just remember, life isn't about work, Kade. You need to find time for other things, too."

"I know, but with this being new, for now, I need to put all my focus on it," I say.

He nods, "I understand."

I don't have time to be distracted by anything. My time with Blythe will keep me satisfied for a little while. I have options when it comes to getting pleasure, so when I need that, I will have no issues. Sex is all I want and need for now.

"I should head out. I have a busy day ahead of me. I will text you the details for dinner."

"Yes, please do." I smile.

Jason takes care of the check for breakfast and coffee before we shake hands, and he heads out. I will stay a little longer and have another coffee while I review all the paperwork again, ensuring we haven't missed anything. It can be easily done.

I received a text with the details not long after Jason left. Dinner was on Saturday at seven. It would be nice to meet everyone. I just hope he listened when I told him I didn't want him to set me up with his daughter. I am sure he said he had three. I assume the eldest is the closest one to my age, and that is why he suggested her. It is never a good idea to mix business and pleasure because that is when things become messy.

Once I am done making sure everything is fine and finish my coffee, I head back home. I don't have much more to do today. I need to get some shopping and things, but those can wait until later. I am tempted to take a nap because I didn't sleep well last night like I thought I would.

I only have today left, and work starts again tomorrow at full force. It is going to be a hectic few month to get everything up and running, but it will be worth it in the end. 

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