Chapter Fourteen - Making amends.

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Blythe and I have been bickering all morning about everything and anything. I don't know what was going on. I know it started because of me and the way I acted this morning. I shouldn't have been as annoyed as I was when I resailed; she left without saying goodbye. She made it clear what was happening between us.

I plan on making that stop. I had gone out on my lunch break to get food, coffee, and some sweet treats for us. My way of saying sorry. Plus, she has been stressed out all morning, not only with me and our project but with other things, too. She has had multiple phone calls, and I could see it was getting to her. Blythe hasn't stopped even for a coffee.

I head back into the building and up to our floor, making sure there is no sign of Beth again. I do not want to deal with her again. She has been texting. I really need to make it clear to her that I am not interested before she gets in too deep. I am not interested in the slightest. Blythe is enough for me to handle, and we aren't even together, but if we follow her plan, nothing will happen between us again. I sigh in relief when there is no sign.

I stroll to Blythe's office. She is resting back on her chair, massaging her temples. I sigh, take a deep breath and knock on the door. She glances up but doesn't look to pleased to see me but motions me inside. At least she didn't tell me to fuck off.

"Hey," I say softly as I enter.


"It is time you take a break. I will not take no for an answer. I brought you lunch, coffee and a mix of cupcakes." I say.

"I don't have time to take a break." She groans.

"Yes, you do. Everything can wait for a little while. You are entitled to a little time to eat and hydrate." I state firmly.

Blythe is ready to argue with me about it, but before she can, I place the cupcakes in front of her, and she changes her mind.

"Fine. Half an hour and no longer." She exclaims.

"Yes, boss." I smile.

She playfully rolls her eyes at me and laughs. Yes, that is better. I would rather hear her laugh than yell at me. I sit down across from her at her desk. I place the containers out.

"I got you a chicken and cheese wrap with a side salad and some chips because I wasn't sure which you would prefer." I smile.

"Thank you."

Blythe tucks straight in. I knew she would be hungry. I smile and do the same.

"I am sorry about this morning, Blythe. I acted like an idiot." I say between bites.

She glances up at me, "It is fine. I am sorry I have been acting like a bitch all morning."

"You were stressed out. I get it." I smile.

"Yes, but it doesn't give me the right to take it out on you. I am sorry I didn't say goodbye before I left." She whispers.

"I overreacted. You made it clear to me." I reply.

She smiles and nods, focusing back on her food. A part of me wishes she would stop fighting against us and let it happen. There are reasons she doesn't want to, but the sex is so damn good between us, why not continue? It is her choice. I need to accept it.

"Can we stop bickering now like a damn married couple?" she laughs.

I chuckle, "Yes, we can."

She grins, "Good because we have a lot of work to do. We need to be on our A-game."

I nod in agreement. I will happily stop bickering, but one thing that won't stop is the damn tension between us. I don't know how I am going to deal with that. I will just have to find a way since I don't have much of a choice. All I can hope is it passes and eases, eventually.

"Why did you buy so many cupcakes?" she laughs.

"To give you a choice. The date on them is good, so you have a few days to eat them." I smile.

I bought a tray of eight.

"Thank you. That was sweet of you, but you had better take some of them. I can't eat all of those." She snickers.

"I will take a couple, but I bought them for you."

"You are the first man ever to buy me cupcakes." She smiles.

"That's because I know what you like." I wink and smirk.

Blythe giggles and rolls her eyes, "Don't try to get all cute with me, Kade. It isn't going to work."

"Cute? I am a lot of things, but cute is no one of them." I chuckle.

Blythe smirks and licks her lips, "True. You are far from cute."

The woman confuses me. She tells me nothing can happen and then flirts with me. Though, I shouldn't be surprised. I believe she is naturally flirty, just like me.

"And don't you know it," I reply with a devilish smile and take a sip of my coffee.

"Hush and finish your lunch. We need to get back to work." She demands.

"Yes, ma'am."

She can't handle me flirting with her. We finish our lunch, take a cupcake each and return to work. We have so much to do if we want to stay on track. There is a chance it will be another late night. It would be great if it ended the same way as last night, but I won't get my hopes up. I need to concentrate on work and stop getting distracted by Blythe, which is something that is easier said than done.

We get back to work quickly, and as we do, I get another text from Bethany. I open the text to read the entire thing.

I promise this will be the last text. But I am wondering if you want to go for a drink tomorrow night? Xx

"You really need to tell her you aren't interested, and soon, Kade. My sister can become a little obsessive and quickly. You need to put a stop to it before it gets worse." Blythe sighs.

"I know, but I don't know how to do it. I don't want to upset her or for her to complain about me to your father."

"Don't worry about my father. I will deal with him. This project is mine. I am in charge of it, so it won't affect what we are doing." She says.

"Okay. I will text her tonight and maybe suggest a coffee, instead, something more casual."

"Good idea. If you want her to get the message, Kade, you need to be upfront and firm with her. It is the only way she will listen."

I am dreading it, but I need to do it. I don't want things to get out of hand or lead her on.

"I will try my best."

Blythe smiles and turns her attention back to work. I do the same. I will text her when I get home tonight. I am too busy to text her right now. 

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