Chapter Eight - I must be imagining things.

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It is good to be home. I have settled back in. But now, I am trying to decide what to wear to dinner tonight. I honestly can't be bothered, but I need to go. If my eldest sister Bethany weren't coming, I would probably be more eager to go. I know she will be miserable and talk about herself all night and try to make me feel like shit in the process. She does it all the time. I don't know why. I work harder than what she does. I have more than she does. I am used to it since it has been the same thing for as long as I can remember. My other sister, Emily, is amazing. She has a huge heart, and we get on very well. She is still older than me, but that has never mattered to her. Emily and Bethany get on great. They have a close, strong relationship. I have never understood why Bethany couldn't treat me the same way she does Emily.

I sigh and push the thoughts to the back of my mind. I finally decided on one of my favourite red dresses. I have only ever worn it once. I look good in red; it is a colour that seems to suit me. It is a long-sleeved, short skater dress, and I will match it up with silver strappy heels.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone. I have only seen my mum since I arrived home. I have missed everyone, well, mostly. I need to enjoy my weekend because I will be back to work on Monday to start work on the new project, something which will be my main priority until everything is running smoothly. I just hope the guy I will be working with isn't an arrogant asshole. Even these days, some men still don't like working with me, especially if I am in a higher position than them. I love it, though. I don't take any nonsense. They don't like it; they know where the door is. Most are fine, but there are always the odd few. I am sure it is the same in every big company. They are just jealous because I do a better job than them. I was raised by no fools. Our parents taught all of us girls how to deal with chauvinist men.

Anyway, enough of these thoughts. I get lost in my head too much. I focus my attention on what I am supposed to be doing. I still have a couple of hours before I need to head out. I am in no rush to get ready, but everything is ready for when I do.

I head to the kitchen and pour myself a small glass of white wine. I take a seat on my sofa and take a sip. I smirked when I did because Kade suddenly came to my mind. The damn sexy man keeps creeping into my thoughts occasionally. I sort of wish we swapped numbers for the sole purpose of meeting up for hot sex and nothing more. But we didn't, and I can't do anything about that now. Who knows, we may cross paths somewhere down the line. I wonder if he got to his meeting. I am sure he did.

I rest back on the sofa and take another drink. I feel relaxed. I won't drink too much because I don't want to show up at dinner tipsy. My father will order champagne for the table since we are celebrating my return. I will have a headache tomorrow, for sure. Champagne does that to me, even just one glass. I enjoy it; it doesn't like me, though.

A text message comes through as I relax. I glance down and see it is from Emily.

Hey, little sis. I am so excited to see you tonight. I have missed you xx

I smile as I read.

I have missed you too. I can't wait to see you tonight xx

Yay! I will see you soon. Don't be late. We know how your timekeeping can be ha-ha x

She does have a point. When it comes to work, my timing is perfect. For anything else, I am usually running late.

I promise I will be there on time. I am going to start getting ready soon xx

Okay. See you at the restaurant. Do you want to go out for a few drinks after? Just you and me? X

I know she wouldn't invite Bethany because it would make things weird. She wouldn't want to come anyway since I would be there. We will give her the option to join us.

Yes, let's do it. We should go for some cocktails xx

Oh, always yes to cocktails xx

I snicker and leave it there. I finish my drink and decide to start to get ready. I don't want to be late, and I still haven't decided how I want to do my hair.


My taxi pulls up outside the restaurant. I did plan on walking, but of course, I am in Scotland, so it started to rain, even though it had been nice all day. I didn't want to be soaked when I arrived. I couldn't drive since I had a drink and would be drinking more tonight.

I thank the driver and pay my fair before I rush inside to avoid the rain, trying not to slide or trip in my heels when doing so. I glance around and spot my father first. Everyone seems to be here already, although there seems to be some other guy sitting with them. His back was to me. Who the hell is that? I thought this was a family dinner. I wouldn't be surprised if Bethany brought a date to steal the focus away from me. God, I hope not. She is so damn annoying when she is seeing someone. She doesn't shut up about them. She becomes so clingy towards them and obsessed. It is not healthy. She becomes a shell of herself any time she is with some guy. She will never learn, though. She is who she is. Hopefully, whoever he is, he won't be a complete jackass like the rest of her ex-boyfriends.

I sigh and take a deep breath before I stroll over to join them.

"Hello, everyone." I gush.

"Blythe!" Emily squeals and jumps up from her seat, rushing over to hug me.

I giggle and happily hug her back. When we pull apart, a familiar pair of eyes stare up at me, and he has a shocked look on his face.

Oh fuck! Kade! No, this can't be happening! I must be imagining things. Why is he here? How does he even know my family?

We stare at one another, having no idea what to say. My dad standing to hug me distracts me from Kade.

When we stop the hug, he smiles, "Blythe, this is Kade. He is our new business partner, the one you will be working closely with."

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"Hey, Kade, it is nice to meet you," I say sweetly and offer my hand to him.

I had to step in before he made it obvious we knew one another. My dad would lose his shit if he found out. Not only because we will be working together but also because he is older than me.

"Hello, it is nice to meet you too." He smiles and takes my hand, holding it tighter than he needs.

I quickly pull my hand away and rush to greet my mum before I sit down. Kade is watching my every move. I say a quick hello to Bethany. There is no point in trying to hug her because she will refuse it.

Why is this happening? Out of everyone in the damn world, I choose the one guy I shouldn't have to fuck. Now, I need to act like between my thighs aren't throbbing just at the sight of him. It is going to be an interesting night, if nothing else. 

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