Chapter Ten - It is like some sick joke.

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I sigh as I walk away from Kade. I am still trying to process everything that has already happened tonight. A part of me wanted badly to pull him close and kiss him, drag him to the bathrooms and tell him to fuck me, but that can't happen. Nothing can happen between us again, not now we will be working together, and my sister wants him. It is like some cruel joke! Out of all the men in the world, I ended up screwing Kade.

I sit back down at the table and down my glass of champagne.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" mum asks.

"Yeah, I am fine." I smile.

I can't tell them what is going on, so I have no choice but to lie to them.

Emily looks at me strangely, raising her brow. She knows something is going on. I will tell her later. She is the only one I will tell because I can trust her not to say anything.

I mouth later to her, and she nods. Kade arrives back a few minutes later, sitting next to my sister. The second he sat down, she placed her hand on his shoulder, making him look at her. She smiles sweetly and starts trying to flirt with him.

I roll my eyes and pour another drink. I find myself keeping an eye on them without being obvious. My sister was putting her best moves into it. Touching him, giggling and whispering in his ear. God, how cringeworthy

Kade must have sensed me staring because his eyes met mine. We stare at each other for a moment, but he breaks the contact first. He focuses on my sister and starts flirting back a little. What happened to him not being interested in her? Whatever, they can do as they please.

I should stop watching, but I can't seem to pull my eyes away from them. Kade reaches into my sister's ear, whispering something. She giggles, and I need to stop myself from scoffing. Kade looks over at me and smirks. Oh, I get it now. He is trying to make me jealous. I keep a straight face and shrug. I am not a jealous person. He can try all he wants, but it isn't going to work.

"Well, I think we are going to leave you kids to it. I will take care of the cheque." Dad smiles, standing from the table.

"I will get it," Kade says.

My dad shakes his head, "You will not do such a thing."

Kade tries to argue with him but loses. Not many people win against my father.

"What do you all plan on doing for tonight?" Mum asks as Dad disappears to pay.

"Emily and I are going out for some drinks. I don't know about Kade and Bethany. I am sure they have plans of their own since they are getting along so well." I say sweetly and glance over at Kade.

He did not look too pleased.

"Well, either way, I hope you all have fun." Mum smiles.

Dad came back, and we all said goodbye to my parents.

"Let's get out of here," I say to Emily and gather my things.

Emily nods, doing the same, "It was nice to meet you, Kade. I am sure we will see one another again. And Bethany, I will see you tomorrow for lunch."

"Bye," I say and head for the door. Emily is quick to catch up with me.

"I don't know what is going on, but the second we settle down with a cocktail, you will be telling me, little sister." She laughs.

"I promise I will, but you can't say anything. It stays between us." I state firmly.

"You know you can trust me, Blythe." She smiles and links her arm through mine.

I smile back, "I do."

She has never given me any reason not to. I would trust her with my life. Bethany, on the other hand, I don't trust her at all. She would push me in front of her if a car were coming our way to save herself. Maybe that is a little harsh, but I wouldn't tell her a single thing; she would run straight to my father, even if she weren't interested in Kade. The fact that she is interested is another reason she will never discover what happened between Kade and me.


Emily and I were sitting in a booth at one of our favourite bars with our cocktails.

"Now, spill." She exclaims and turns to face me.

"Tonight isn't the first time I met Kade," I say.

She looks at me confused, "But you acted like you had never met."

"Yes, because I had to, or he would end up a dead man. And Bethany would hate me even more if that was possible." I sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

"So, where did you meet him?"

"In New York. The night my flight got cancelled." I reply.

"Okay and?"

She knows there is a lot more to the story.

"We met in a hotel bar and ended up hooking up. I spent not only the night with him but also the morning. And he bumped me up to first class on our flight. We fucked in the plane toilets too."

Her eyes went wide, "Oh my God! This is the type of thing that could only happen to you." She laughs.

"I know, right? We decided afterwards not to swap numbers or see one another again. A plan I was going to stick to until I walked into the restaurant, and there he was." I groan.

"What are you going to do now? You will be seeing him like five or six days a week when working together. And yes, I agree, if Dad found out, he would be a dead man. I assume he is older than you?"

"Yes, by like twelve years. You know how protective Dad is over us all, especially me since I am the youngest. That is how no one can ever find out. Also, with Bethany taking an interest in him, if she knew, all hell would break loose." I sigh.

"Yes, Dad would definitely kill him. How was your time with Kade?" she asks, smirking at the last part.

I giggle, "Damn good. The man is a God and sculpted like a piece of art." I moan.

"Do you think you will manage to stay away from him if he was that good? Incredible sex is hard to resist." She snickers.

"It will be hard, but I will manage. You know I have great self-control. I can't go there again for everyone's sake." I sigh and take a large swig of my drink.

"Good luck because you are going to need it. Do you think he is interested in Bethany?" she asks.

"He told me he wasn't when he stalked me to the bathroom, but I don't know. He started flirting back with her. I am not sure if it was because he was interested or he was trying to make me jealous."

"I don't think he is. I know how crazy you drive, men. You know what they want, and anyone who has crossed your path doesn't exactly find it easy to let go. He was trying to make you jealous." She says.

"Either way, he needs to stop. He can't think he can mess with Bethany just to get with me."

No, Bethany and I don't get along, but it doesn't mean I want her being used or hurt, even if she wouldn't care if those things were happening to me. It is where she and I are different when it comes to our relationship. I still care, look out for and protect her, even if she doesn't do the same in return.

"No, because if he does and she finds out, you know the trouble she will make sure she causes, not only between you and Kade but also between Dad and Kade."

I nod, "So, let's hope none of that happens."

"Yes, let's." She agrees.

"But for tonight, we forget about it all and have some fun." I wink.

"Hell yeah." She celebrates.

I have missed my time with Emily. It was good to be home and to be spending time with her again. 

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