Chapter 1

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~ Jungkook's  POV ~

" Your Royal Highness, your parents would like to talk to you down in the royal hall," My maid said when she opened my door. " Okay, tell them I'll be down in a minute or two," I said groaning and got out of my bed

I walked over to my dresser where my clothes were neatly arranged for me to wear for the day. I grabbed the clothes and walked into the bathroom. I smiled at the suit cause it fits me well

I took off my clothes and started to put on the outfit. I looked in the mirror and made sure my jet back hair was styled perfectly so that my parents wouldn't have a bitch-fit about it

My parents always taught me " Look your best cause that's how people will treat you " and royal shit like that. I looked in the mirror one more time before walking out of my room and down to the royal hall

Being the prince of the Seoul Regime, can be a struggle but I have tons of money so I have nothing to worry about. My parents, who are the King and Queen of the Regime, worry about me being an adult and not being married

I got to the royal hall where I saw my mom and dad, sitting on their thrones. " Son," My dad said looking at me and I rolled my eyes and looked at them

" Hello my dear son," My mom said getting up and kissing me on the forehead. I smiled a little and looked at her

I and my mom have always been close. I mean, my dad and I have a decent relationship but my mom and I's relationship is something special to me. Before I was born, my mom was poor and looking for work any way she could. One day, she was searching for a job in Seoul Korea, she was stopped by a man in a suit

He offered her a special job and since he looks rich and with lots of money, she accepted the offer without knowing what type of job it is. Turns out she was going to be a servant for the King of Seoul Regime

And that's when she met my dad, she was his servant until he fell In love with her. They eventually got married and had me

That's why my relationship with her is special, she was independent and tried her best to take care of herself even though she was struggling at the same time

" We have something to discuss with you son, " She said looking at me and I nodded. My dad got up and moved us to the Royal living room. I sat down in front of them as they sat across from me

" What are we here to talk about? " I said looking at them and they both looked at each other before looking at me. " Kook, have you thought about marriage yet? Having a girlfriend or wife? " She said looking at me and I shook my head no

" No, I don't wanna girlfriend or wife at the moment," I said and cringing at the thought of a girl and even a wife

" Well, your 21 now and you need to find a girlfriend or a wife, your mother and I aren't getting any younger and we need you to take on the family royalty when we pass " My dad and I shook my head no

" I don't want a  girlfriend," I said crossing my arms and huffing

" Well too late, We've arranged a marriage for you, " My dad said looking at me and my eyes almost popped out of my head

An arrangement marriage !?! Like, I'm forced to marry someone I don't want? The thoughts of girl will literally make me throw up

" A-arranged? What? This isn't fair! " I said looking up and looking at the both of him. " Mom! Do you something " I said looking at her and she looked away

" we're sorry Kookie but you've been an adult for 3 years and you still haven't met anyone so we did it for you, honey, " She said looking at me

" But I don't wanna get married! Let alone married to some girl that I've never seen before! I'm not marrying a complete stranger"

" She isn't a stranger Jungkook, she's the princess of Union South Korea "

Union South Korea? I know that royal family, I hate them

" Union South Korean? Really? You guys know how much I hate them! " I said yelling at my mom placed her hand on should and I moved away

"I don't wanna marry anyone! Let alone those thieving royals from the Union! "

" Well it's final Jungkook, they are coming over in an hour so that you and your new fiancé can meet and get to know each other " My dad and getting up and walking away

I looked at him then looked at my mom

" How could you let him do this mom !? " I said yelling at her. I loved her with all of my heart and I can't believe she'd let my dad do this without my permission or say so

" I'm sorry Kookie, but it's for your own good," She said placing her hand on my cheek and kissing it softly before going to go look for my dad. I sighed and walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water

" What's wrong Kook " Our cook Jin said asking me while starting to make the dinner for tonight "

" Mom and Dad arranged a marriage  ! I don't want to marry anyone " I said sighing and sitting at the chair as he placed a banana nut muffin and milk in front of me

He always how to make me feel better

" I'm sorry to hear that Kookie " He said patting my head and turning around to cook the dinner. My maid walked into the kitchen, " Your dad told you to come to his room so that he can give you your suit for tonight "

Could this day get any more worst

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