Chapter 8

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

" J-Jungkook! You're looking at me! " He said looking at me. " S-sorry, again, " I said turning around and he quickly put on his clothes. " Y-you can turn around now..." He said and I turned around

" S-sorry about" I said turning back around to face him

" J-Jisoo needed you," I said and trying to look at his face but I couldn't help to look at his collarbone

" She does? Okay! " He said rushing out of the room and down the hallway to Jisoo's room. I rubbed my eyes to try to get the image of Taehyung out of my head

" Jungkook? What's wrong? Your dazzled in space" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see my mom. I smiled and hugged her, she makes every better

" Mom, can I talk to you in private, " I said asking her and she nodded and I followed her to her and dad's room. " What is it, sweetie? "

" Why mom? I know I've asked this question millions of time but I don't wanna marry her, you know that " I said honestly and she sighed and sat on the bed

" I know sweetheart, I know you're not happy...And I see it but....we need you to get married so that you can run the kingdom when we are gone, we aren't getting any younger sweet " she said placing her hand on my cheek

" But...I wanted to marry someone I actually love... I don't want to be forced...Married is suppose to be a happy thing, not a forced thing " I said to her and she looked at me smiling

" Wow, such wise words Kookie..." She said smiling at me

" I know...I got it from Taehyung..." I said smiling at the thought and I quickly realized what I said

Oh shit

" What about Taehyung? " She said looking at me confused

" Nothing Mom, um...I better get back to Jisoo " I said smiling and kissing her cheek before walking out of the room. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. Why the hell am I thinking about Taehyung, I should be thinking about Jisoo

" Son! " I heard my dad yelling and I turned around to see him. " Yes, dad? " I said and he smiled at me

" Tomorrow night, there will be a masquerade ballroom party, we need to get your suit tailored, " He said and I smiled a little. The arranged marriage was hell but I've never been to a masquerade ball so I was quite excited for it

" Okay," I said smiling, actually smiling excitedly about this. I walked down the hallway where I spotted Jisoo walked towards me

" A masquerade party is going happen tomorrow night," I said to Jisoo and she clapped her hands and kissed me

" I've always wanted to go to one, but for right now, I want you," She said smiling and pulling me into her room

We not doing shit....

~ Taehyung's POV ~

Everyone was asleep so I carefully walked downstairs and walked to the kitchen, I was about to open the refrigerator when the lights cut on. My heart skipped a beat and I quickly turned to see The Prince standing there smirking

" Surprise seeing you here," He said walking up to me. I looked down and he continued to look at my cheeks

" Explain to me how you got that bruise on your cheek, " He said looking at me and I tried to look anywhere but in his eyes

" I fell....on...the ground? " I said but I sounded more like a question than a statement

" Does she hit you or not? " He said to me as I backed up. Ever step back I took, he took a step frontward

" N-no...why do you keep asking? " I said looking at him. I looked away from him and he stood tall in front of me. " Look at me," He said in a deep voice, it sent shivers down my spine

I slowly looked up at him. He smirked at me and couldn't help to look at him in the eyes. " Are you hungry? " He said whispering in my ear

" N-no, I'm good," I said quickly and trying to walk away from him but he trapped me. Why does he want ? Shouldn't he be with Jisoo somewhere

" Should y-you be with J-Jisoo somewhere? " I said looking at him and he smirked. " Not really, she went out shopping over whatever, " He said laughing and rolling his eyes

" I could care less about her right now, anyway," He said smirking and opening the fridge and getting out a case of strawberries and whipped cream

What the hell...

" Open up," He said whispering and I slowly opened my mouth as he placed the strawberry covered in cream in my mouth. I chewed it slowly while looking at him in the eyes. He smirked and poured some whipped cream in his mouth

I bite my lip slightly as I looked at his throat and the veins that ran up his hands and neck

I quickly looked away from him and I hear him chuckled. " There's gonna be a masquerade party tomorrow, are you going? "

" Um...I can't go unless Her Majesty and Jisoo says I can " I said sadly and he looked at me. " Tell him Jungkook's mom said you can go, " He said moving away from me and walking away

" B-but why do you want me to go..." I said whispering but he was already gone...

The prince wanted to me come...Should I be happy or sad?.....His eyes have to be focused on Jisoo

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