Chapter 28

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~ Taehyung's POV~

I finished up cleaning my room and smiled at my tidiness. I reached under my bed and got out a book. This book is...kinda very inappropriate....that why I find it under my bed

It was a gay love story about a book named Junio and Tahun...Yea, Jungkook and my name sound like the characters in the book...I can't stop reading it. Right now, they are getting very sexually

Junio pinned Taehun's arms above his head and started to kiss his head

" Why can you be a good boy and not so naughty? " Junio said kissing down on Taehun's collarbone

" I like teasing, " He said smirking and grabbing a handful of Junio's hair

" You do know teasing will get you a heavy....roughy punishment? Don't you Babyboy? " Junio said in a deep voice

" What if...I wanted you to give me a punishment, I'm not stupid Junggie " Tahun said smirking and pulling him into a hard kiss. Tahun moaned as Jungio kisses down his neck again and starts to unbutton his shirt

" Your so sexy baby, I could just eat you up," Junio said taking off his shirt and Taehun ran his fingers up and down his chest. Junio shoves his hand down Tahun pants, rubbing his length as he throws his head back in, please

" J-Jungkookie..." I said shamelessly and I started to get horny...I bite down on my lip as I feel my cock start to throb over him

I whimpered a little and I rubbed my thighs together, trying to get some friction but I knew I couldn't get hard at the moment...I need...someone

" Hey...Taehyung? " I heard a voice from outside my door. I open the door to see Wooyoung. " Yes, Wooyoung? " I said smiling and placing down the book that I was reading

" I was wondering if you wanted to....Take a walk through the garden with me? We can have a little, quiet time? " He said smiling. I thought about it for a little minute and I saw about to say yes till I saw Jisoo walk into my room

" Y-yes, your royal highness," I said bowing at her presents

" I need you to...oh, hello Prince Wooyoung," Jisoo said smiling and bowing at him

" What are you doing here? " She asked while looking at me

" I-" I was about to say something till Wooyoung beat me to it

" I need to meet all of the servants, I thought I should meet Taehyung always, my dad wants me too," He said smiling and looking at me. I smiled also, and she nodded and walked away

" Well that was close," I said giggled and we both walked out of my room and down to the garden. " Ever since I got here, the garden has been my favorite know, a place to get away," I said smiling and sitting down on the bench by the flower

" I wish I could have a place like this at my palace...But I'm buried in Royal rules and Big responsibilities...I can we will we have time by myself, coming here, I don't have to worry about that " He said smiling and setting himself beside me

" So, Jisoo looked like she puts you through hell, are you scared of her? "

" Scared? More like Terrified of her, she literally can control my life, I really have no other choice but to only listen to her " I said rolling my eyes

" I can tell...And Jungkook's is marrying that girl? I feel bad for him honestly " He said laughing and I chuckled when I told about Jungkook

Jungkook....his big bunny smile....completely opposite from his rock hard body.....

I shook my head and smiled at Wooyoung

" So, Have you ever had a boyfriend? " He said to me and I sighed again once I told about Jungkook

" A boyfriend, not see, a long time ago I met this boy, he was handsome enough that I fell for him in a short amount of time. But it turns out, he was a player and didn't care about my feelings " I said sighing and Wooyoung hugged me

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