Chapter 17

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I forgot to mention, this book will have 40 Chapters 💕

~ Jungkook POV ~

I knew I fucked up...Once we got back from the Royal shop, Taehyung hasn't said a single word to me. Did I upset him that much? Maybe I'll talk to him later on today, but right now, I have to get ready for the stupid ass meeting with my parents and Jisoo and her parents.

I walked to the bathroom and changed into my golden suit and styled my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror one more time before I walked downstairs and walked down the hallway to a big room where we have a meeting with anyone

I knocked on the door and a guard of our opened the door for me. I bowed and walked to the table where my mom and Dad were already sitting down. Jisoo and her parents walked into. Jisoo smiled at me and immediately sat beside me

I walked over and saw Taehyung standing in the corner

I looked at him and he took a glance at me and quickly looked away from me. I sighed and started to listen to what my parent had to say

" So, for the wedding, it could be in here in Seoul Korean and the for the honeymoon, they can flight to Sokcho-si, it has a nice quiet beach that they can walk on and some of the top hotels they can stay in for as long as they need, " The wedding planner said smiling and Jisoo's parent smiled at the idea

" That sounds like a good idea, what about their flights? They are getting married in the spring, Sokcho-si is a very visited place in the springtime " My dad said and I slightly rolled my eyes

" We can make sure to get the tickets early, or they can just get on a private jet, it will give them more privacy and no one will bother them, " She said looking at her papers

" I think I private jet will be better for them, they can spend on alone time together as husband and wife," His Majesty said smiling at his daughter and me

"That sounds amazing! I love it! " Jisoo said smiling and hugging my arms. " Yep, it sounds great," I said with a forced smile. I looked at my mom and she gave me a sad smiled and continued to talk to the wedding planner. I looked behind my dad to see Taehyung just standing there, I'm guessing he caught me looking at him and he looked away from me

Is he ignoring me again? I mean we haven't talked since the shop

" Lastly, when will the two go out and look for rings or will the parents go out and pick them for them "

" I didn't it will be a good idea for them to go out and look for the rings themselves, they can pick something they like, we'll send me to the highest store, the rings will be beautiful," Her Majesty said smiling and Jisoo hugged me arms while smiled

" Us going ring shopping will be so much fun Kookie !" She said smiling widely and I smiled back at her

" Before I leave, Where will the then venue be held at? "

" The venue will be held at Lemnos Blanche," My dad said and the wedding planner smiled and walked out. I got up and walked out of the office and down to the balcony

I'm 21 and my love life is planned right before my eyes...Crazy right? It's not like I can just run away...Guards here guard our palace doors and report back to my parents where I go

I wonder what Taehyung is doing right now...Has he eaten yet?

" Ring shopping is going to be really fun Kookie! " I heard a voice from behind me and I turned around to see Jisoo

" Yep " I said pulling off a smile and she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I sighed and went along with the kiss. I slowly started to imagine she was Taehyung

" Fuck Taehyung baby, your lips are so soft and tasty," I said wrapping my arms around Taehyung's waist. I picked him up and held me close to me

" Your so sexy baby, it makes me wanna eat you alive," I said groaning in my ear, slowly licking his earlobe. His hands slowly went up to my shirt and I groan in his mouth

" So hot Daddy," He said in my ear, slowly kissing my neck. I licked my lips and he bites down on my neck, showy sucking, and licking

" You want me? I wang you so bad baby " I said kissing him harder and grabbing a handful of his big ass. He smirked and bites his lips

" Take me, Daddy, show me I'm yours "

" Jungkookie, you're spaced out," Jisoo said looking at me and I snapped out of space and smiled at her. " I better head to the shower, it's really hot," I said quickly making up an excuse to leave

" Okay! " She said and I quickly left the balcony, I walked outside and saw Taehyung

" Taehyung! " I said walking up to Taehyung who was sitting down the garden. " Hey Taehyung, " I said smiling and he looked at me and looked away

" What's wrong ? " I said placing my hand under his chin and making him look at me

" Nothing...I should probably go " He said turning away from me. " Wait, tell me what's wrong love? " I said looking at him. " It's just....if you can't tell me why your always flirting with me and messing around with me, I don't wanna continue what we have, " He said looking at me

" I....listen, I don't know what we have...but- "

" No buts Jungkook! If you can't tell me what we are then I don't wanna continue anything with you " He said looking at me and walking away from me. I sighed and sat on the bench

How do I feel about Taehyung? Do I like him? No...I don't know what I feel...

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