Chapter 23

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

I groaned at the sound of my alarm clock. I shut it off and sighed. Today is the day I see another fucking. I don't even know why I'm so pissed about it, I don't know and I really don't give a fuck. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face

I finished my route and head a knock on the door. I told them to come in

" Here is your suit for the greeting of thing prince Your royal highness," My maid said walking into my room with a black and red suit. I smiled and nodded

I really don't feel like meeting or greeting a new prince, there is one prince here and like I said before, that prince is me and only me

" Honey, are you excited for the new prince to come and visit? " I heard my mom voice and I turned around to face her

" Why should I be excited? It's not like I wanna be friends with him " I said looking at her and she sighed and kissed my forehead

" Could you at least try and be polite? " She asked me and I shrugged my shoulder and frown

" I love you my bun, go get ready, the prince will be here in an hour, " She said pointing at me and I nodded as she walked out of my room

I shut my door and walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower since I take forever and I only have an hour to get prepared. I got out the shower and carefully put on my suit and blowdried my hair, I styled it nicely and walked out of my room and down the hallway into the royal hall where the doors are

" Come here Jungkook " My mom and I stood in front of her as she placed my crown on top of my head. I sat beside her and waited impatiently. All of our female maids, servants, and designers all lined up

I looked in the corner and saw Taehyung standing there. I knew I wasn't going to be able to get his attention without making it seem obvious. Jisoo sat on the other side with his parent and we heard one of the guards talk out loud

" Everyone raise of the King and Prince of Seoul Dynasty, King Youho and Prince Wooyoung," He said while opening the door, revealing a king and a prince

They bowed and all of the females of our palace were already drooling over the prince....I'm still better looking

The King and Prince first greeted Jisoo and her family then they'll come to us

" Remember what I said, be Polite, " My mom said and I nodded and straight in my pasture

" It's a pleasure to meet you, " King Youho said bowing and shaking my mom and dads hand

" It's a blessing to also meet you, and your son, " My mom said smiling and shaking her hand

" You must be the prince everyone talks about, " King Youho said smiling and bowing at me. " Yes Sir I am, it's an honor to finally meet you," I said smiling and bowing

" This is my son, Jung Wooyoung," He said motioning to the prince. " It's nice to meet you," he said and I sucked on my teeth and smiled back

" It's nice to meet you as well," I said smiling and he nodded walked away to greet the other people. He was starting to meet the maids and the servants when he stopped in front of Taehyung

He bowed at Taehyung and shook his hand. Taehyung started to blush and I slightly balled up my fist. The Prince bowed one last time before walking away. I looked over at the Jisoo and saw that she looked very pissed off

Is she jealous? I hope she is, maybe she can get with the new prince and leave me alone

" Everyone listens up !" my dad out loud and motioning Wooyoung to stand beside him

" As you all know, Prince Wooyoung has come to our palace to meet his future wife, his palace allows Servant and Royalty marriages, tonight, we will have a ball, everyone is invited, maybe one of you lucky ladies will catch the prince's eye, " My dad said smiling and every female in the room clapped and looking at the Prince

" I hope I meet a very special person tonight," He said smiling and his eyes flicked over to someone. Everyone one placed and I got up and searched for my mom

" Mom! " I said walking over to my mom

" Yes, Bun? " She said smiling and looking at me

" I really don't wanna go to this ball party mom," I said looking at her

" Why is that honey? " She said looking at me and I shrugged my shoulders. " Too many people," I said trying to make up an excuse

" Oh honey, you will be okay, and you know your father is going to make you go whether you want to or not," She said rolling her eyes. I pouted and walked down the hallway to my room, on my way to my room, I spotted the prince talking to Taehyung

I hid behind the wall and looked at them. The prince placed his hand on Taehyung's cheeks and Taehyung started blushing and looked down at the floor. I felt my blood boil and I balled up my fist. I quickly turned back around and walked another direction towards my room

Is he flirting with MY Taehyung?

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