Chapter 39

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~ Jungkook POV~

It was 11:00 pm and I heard a small knock on my door. I opened it, revealing my mom

" Where is he mom? Where is my Taehyung " I said quickly

" Taehyung is in the back dungeon to the left, the guards left but they're coming back so you better make it quick, " My mom said to me and I quickly nodded and followed where she told me to go. I made sure to be quiet when I walked down the hallways

I saw a big door with no guards. I peeped my head inside and walked inside. I saw chains and execution machines

I heard sniffling and crying and I quickly walked over to where the sound was I could almost cry at the site. Taehyung's was inside of a Guillotine machine


" O-oh my goodness baby," I said quickly walking over to him

" K-Kookie? " He said sniffing

" Yes, I'm here baby, we need to get this off of you," I said looking at the wooden guillotine and I pushed up the piece that was holding him down

" Baby, move your head back slowly," I said quickly and he nodded and slowly moved his head, slipping away from the machine

" Come on baby, we need to go, I'm running away with you, " I said taking the chains off of him

" W-what? Kookie, what are you talking about? You can't just run away " He said looking at me and I shook my head no and I kissed him on the lips

" Yes, I'm running away and you're coming with me baby," I said whispering and looking behind me, still no guards in sight

" Y-you can't just run away Kookie, your royalty, " He said and I shrugged my shoulders

" I don't care, I need you in my life, I can't live without you Taehyung, you're coming with me," I said quickly and pulling him with me as we walked out of the doors. We heard the sounds of footsteps and I covered his mouth, not making noise

The footsteps went away and we both continued to walk down the hallway. I looked at my watch and saw that it was already 12:05 am, we have 5 more minutes till the guards come back

" We need to hurry up Taehyung," I said quickly and he stopped in his tracks

" I-I don't know if this is a good idea," He said looking at me. I sighed and kissed him

" I'm not leaving this palace without you Taehyung," I said as we walked to the entrance where I saw my mom

" Where here mom," I said looking at her and he smiled once she saw Taehyung. " Looks like you both got here safely," She said smiling and handing me a big bag

" What is this mom? " I said taking the bag

" It's money Kookie, It's has a black card in it so you'll never run out of money," She said looking at me and I hugged her

" I'm gonna miss you, mom, " I said and I tearing up

" Everything is gonna be okay, one more thing," She said and pulled out my dad crown

" Mom! Why do you have Dad crown! " I said looking at her like she was crazy and she smiled at me. " You deserve to wear it more than your dad cause Kookie, your not just a prince, you're a king," she said smiled and placing the crown in my hands

I smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek. I'm gonna miss her lovely smile

" Here are the keys to the car, go before the guards come back and Taehyung, thank you for making my son happy," She said at Taehyung and hugging me

" Thank you for accepting us," He said smiling and we both heard footsteps, I took Taehyung hand and ran out of the door palace doors. We quickly walked down the path and I saw my mom's car. I'm guessing she already placed my bags in the car. I placed the current bags in the car and we both got in

I started the car and drove away. I looked at Taehyung who was looking behind us, making sure no one was following us

" Kookie? " Taehyung said looking at me

" Yes, my love? " I said, keeping my eyes on the road

" How will they not find us? Won't they come looking for us ?" He said asking me and I took his hand in mine

" There is something I forgot to tell you...We have to fake our own deaths " I said and he looked at me like I was crazy

" What? Why? "

" If they think we are dead, they won't come looking for us cause it would be no use," I said and he nodded. We pulled up to a lake and got out of the car

" Take off all of your clothes and throw them into the lake... no one comes here often so when they search for us, they look in the lake and see your clothes, they'll think we committed suicide by drowning" I said and he nodded and we both took off of our clothes and threw them in the lake

I went to the car and got us out of some different clothes. I gave some to Taehyung and we both put on our clothes and walked back to the car. I started to drive again and I looked at the map my mom gave me

" Kookie, do you think we'll last with each other? " He asked me and I looked at me

" I wouldn't sacrifice my royalty if I didn't think you were the one for me," I said smiling and I leaned over and kissed him. An hour and a half goes by and we pulled up at a palace

" Wow..." Taehyung said looking at the place

" It's beautiful," I said smiling and we got out of the car and looked at the place

" Are you ready for our new life?" I said pulling in close to me. I held his face in my hands and kissed him with all of my love and passion

" Yes, I'm ready to start a new life with you as my boyfriend," He said smiling and kissing me again. I pulled away as we walked up to our new home

I'm ready to start new with you, I'm really to be with you till death do us part. I love you Kim Taehyung, forever and always

The End

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