Chapter 15

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~ Taehyung's POV ~

" What the fuck ?!? " Jin said whispering at us and I quickly started to panic. I'm gonna get in so much trouble, I don't wanna die, but Jin seems like a sweet person...maybe he won't tell the Queen

Oh no no no...I feel so embarrassed

" Please don't tell Jin !?! " Jungkook quickly and I hide my red face in Jungkook's bare chest

" What the heck! You....him....since when? " Jin said pointing to the both of us and Jungkook rolled his eyes. "He and I aren't dating Jin," He said

" Well, you both were just having each other's tongues down each other throats! What else am I supposed to think! " He said looking us

" Please don't tell! Jisoo will have me executed! I want to tell my head so please don't tell " I said panicking as tears welled up in my ear

" Don't worry, I won't tell? " Jin said smiling and looking at Jungkook. " May wanna be careful while sneaking around, the door was wide open, in perfect view of both of you kissing," He said and Jungkook chuckled a little

" So....your not gonna snitch on us right? " I said to make sure. " Don't worry, plus, I already knew Jungkook didn't like Jisoo " Jin said laughing and walking out of the door

" See Jungkook...Jin caught us red-handed " He said sighing and pushing me away slowly

" But that's Jin, it wasn't Jisoo, " I said pulling him close to me and he sighed

" And that's how you know we aren't careful," He said looking at me and grabbing the desk and walking out of the room. I sighed in frustration and followed him to my bedroom

He sat the desk on my desk and started to sort out my clothes as Jisoo told him to so earlier

" You look good from the back " I said smirking and he rolled his eyes and continued to fold my clothes. I walked up behind him and started to kiss the back of his neck. He breath hitched and I smirked, leaving small kisses from his neck to his back

" J-Jungkook...." He said turning around and I smirked. " What's wrong ? No one can see us baby " I said smirking and biting down on his jawline

" I-I have to put away your clothes " He said looking at me and I pouted and traced his collarbone with my fingers. " So? It can wait for right now " I said whispering against his lips

He looked up at me and licked his lips at me. I smirked and smashed my lips into his. He relaxed in the kiss and I pushed him on the bed and pinned his arms above his head, i sucked on his skin and smirked at his heavy breathing

" Your just so breathtaking "

~Sorry for the short chapter ! I'll make it up to you guys, Double update ❤️

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