Chapter 20

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

" Jungkook? What was happening? I heard yelling and screaming " I heard my mom. I turned around and saw my mom and Dad looked at me with curiosity

" N-no, I-I need to go take a shower," I said walking past them and into my room

What did I just do...My heart was racing and my blood was pumping

I swallowed nervously as I thought about what happened. Taehyung.....why did I do that? What the hell was I thinking

" Jungkook, what's the matter " I heard as my door opened, revealing Jin. " H-huh? N-nothings wrong" I said quickly and looking out of the window

No no no no

I was looking out of the window and saw Jisoo and her mother getting out of the car, without Taehyung. Where is he?

" Jungkook! What's wrong ? You look  panicked and your sweating " Jin said looking at me and I looked down at the floor

" It's nothing....I-I think I'm just coming down with a fever," I said looking at hands

" Okay well...Everyone wants you in the dining room for diner " Jin said and I nodded and walked out of the room with him and down the hall to the dining room

I walked into the dining room where everyone is looking at me. I sat down at the table

" Were back " Jisoo and Her Majesty said smiling and walking into the dining room. Jisoo smiled at me and sat down beside me. I slightly smiled at her

" Um...what happened to Taehyung? " I said quietly and she smiled and leaned into my ear. " Don't worry about and my mom took extra good care of him? " She said smirking and my heart stopped

Why am I so worried? He didn't wanna mess with me anyone so I shouldn't be worried about it...I think

I stared at my plate of food and what I did really sank in. Taehyung didn't do anything wrong....No one wants to be played with...He didn't wanna get his feelings played with so that why he ignored me...and I lied and got him in massive trouble

I felt like a dick

" What aren't you eating your food Kookie? " My mom said looking at me and I slightly smiled. " I'm really not that stomach kinda hurts, " I said picking at my food and sighing

My mom looked at me with confusion and I continued to just look at my food. The diner was over and my dad looked at me

" Kookie, what's wrong honey," She said looking at me

" Nothing is wrong m-mom," I said trying not to cry at my stupid actions, I can't believe Taehyung isn't here, this is no one's fault but mine

" I-I'm tired, I'm going to bed," I said quickly and walking away and heading straight to my bedroom and locked the door. I slid down my door and balled my eyes out

What the fuck is wrong with me? Taehyung did do anything wrong, I'm the one who started flirting with him...He had a reason to not want to mess with me anymore...I acted like a complete fuck boy

I sniffed after minutes and minutes for crying. I walked downstairs to see Jin. He was the only person I could talk to right now

" J-jin...." I said walking into the kitchen with teary eyes. " What's wrong Kookie," He said looking at me

" I-I did something really bad..." I said looking down at the floor

" What did you do? " He said looking at me

" T-Taehyung," I said crying and he hugged me

" What about Taehyung Kookie?

" I-I drinking...And I-I was about to kiss Taehyung t-then Jisoo walked in and saw us " I said crying in his shoulder. " What does it have to do with Taehyung? "

" I-I lies...She a-asked me was he f-flirting with me and that the heat o-of the moment....I-I said yes....I'm such a bad person " I said crying hard in his shoulder

" Where is Taehyung? " He said looking at me and I shrugged my shoulders

" I-I don't know Jinnie...Jisoo slapped him then they both dragged him out of the palace Jin....T-they didn't come back with him...This is all my fault " I said breaking down in his shoulder as he hugged me

" I...I really can't have anything to make you feel better cause it's basically your fault cause you lied Kookie...You just have to hope Taehyung comes back...." He said patting my back and I looked down and nodded

This is all my fault, I was pissed off at him for no reason and now he is in trouble...I don't know where he is...He could be dead right now, and it would be...all of my faults...

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