Chapter 36

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~ Taehyung's POV ~

" So does that mean your my Precious little boyfriend? " He said smirking and I blushed. Just a few minutes ago, Jungkook and I sneaked to his room after his meeting with his parents and Jisoo

" Do you want me as your b-boyfriend? " I said blushing and he laughed. Gosh, his laugh is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard

" Of course id want you to be my little boyfriend, I'd spoil the hell out of you, " He said hugging my waist and I hide my face in his strong and hard chest

" Kookie...You're making me blush " I said blushing and smiling. " I can't help but baby you, your so cute," He said laughing and I covered my face cause it was red as a tomato

" Your cute when your flustered " He said hugging me. I smiled at him and playfully hit him on the chest

" Ow ! " He said holding his chest and I rolled my eyes and kissed his with passion

" So, my boyfriend," He said smirking and I looked up at him

" You never asked me out so technically, we aren't dating, " I said looking up at him and he sighed and looked down at me

" Kim Taehyung, would you be a dear and become my sweetest boyfriend? " He asked me and I jumped up and down and nodded

" Of course! " I said smiling and jumping on him and smiling. He held me by the waist and I placed my hands on his hard shoulders. He licked the bottom of my lips and I opened my mouth and he slid his tongue inside of my mouth. I pulled away and started to kiss down his neck. I slightly bite down on his jawline and reaching my hand down to his pants

He groaned in my ear as I lightly nibbled on his ear. I put my hand in his pants and started to rub him slowly

" T-Taehyung, come on, don't tease me, " He said whispering and I smirked

" Why not? " I said testing him, my finger grazing over his tip

" Cause I can dominate the shit out you- fuck, " He said groaning out as I rubbing his tip slowly

" Taehyung....what are you doing? " He asked me and I rolled my eyes and pulled down his pants and licked his covered cock. He groaned and I pulled down his underwear and his thriving cock was waiting for me. I smirked and started to rub his hard-on up and down

He placed his hand on mine as I jerked him off. He licked his lip and I slowly flicked my tongue across his wet tip. He sighed in pleasure. I smirk in satisfaction and licked each side of his cock as I made my way back up to his tip. I took both of my hands and started to jerk him off while I suck on his tip. I moaned at the taste of his pre-cum, it's tasted good

" F-fuck baby..." He said looking down at me as I started to deepthroat him. I held his thigh and my pace of sucking was faster and harder. I bobbed my head up and down on his big cock

" Baby, just like that, sucks harder, " He said biting his lip and as I saw his chest rise up and down each second. I felt his cock throb in my mouth and I purposely moan on his cock, making his hips buck in pleasure.

" Fuck...." Jungkook said as I looked up and saw his eyes rolled back and his mouth was wide open and as he came down my throats. I smirking and sucked him dry, making sure to swallow all of his cum

He slowly thrust himself in my mouth and I slowly sucked in his tip

" T-Taehyung...I-I came already, " He said looking down at me and he pulled on my hair. I smirked and pulled away and I stood up and kissed him

" Kookie! Are you in there? " We both heard Jisoo high pitched voice and Jungkook pointed to the bathroom and j ran inside of it

" When I go love , run out, " He said and I nodded. I'm guessing he went to open the door, I peeped through the crack in the door

" Hello, Kookie! " She said smiling and I rolled my eyes

" Why are you so sweaty ?" She said and he gulped but quickly came up with an excuse

" Um, I just got done working out, wanna see? " He said smirking and glancing over at me. He removed his shirt and pulled her on top of him

" Did you need anything love? " He said and she smirked and pulled him into a kiss. I slowly made my way to the door and ran out of the room. I sighed and walked back to my room, pouting that Jungkook is alone in his room with that bitch Jisoo

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